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California Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Bra
A children's environmental health program offering multi-layered solutions to this complex problem.
CDC Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
About lead poisoning and U.S. government efforts to protect children from lead exposure. From the National Center for Environmental Health of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Child Lead Poisoning and the Lead Industry
Provides a history of child lead poisoning in the U.S. and the role of the lead paint industry.
CLEARCorps: Protecting Children From Lead Poisonin
National AmeriCorps program helping families and communities protect their children from lead poisoning. Provides information about program, services, news, affiliates and membership.
Connecticut Lead Hazard Awareness Coalition
Provides information to educate families, public and private health care providers, about lead and its hazards, treatment, and resources in Connecticut compiled by state and local communities.
Environment Arica Chile
Information on lead contamination in Arica Chile.
Investigation and Surveillance Section
Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) info on lead and pesticide poisoning, indoor air quality, and other environmental health concerns of a non-infectious nature.
Keep Kids Healthy Guide to Lead Poisoning
Includes a lead screening quiz, discussion of risk factors, preventing exposure, and treatment options. Intended primarily for parents.
Lead and Health
ACSH update on lead and its effects on human health.
Lead Exposure Harms Millions More Children Than Th
Millions more children and adolescents in the United States than previously thought endure the detrimental effects of exposure to lead, according to a new Children's Hospital Medical Center of Cincinnati study.
Lead Poison
Features articles and findings related to lead poisoning in children. Legal resources and medical information available.
Lead Poisoning
Provides information concerning lead poisoning of the citizens of the City of Bremerton and Kitsap County in Washington State.
Lead Poisoning - DrGreene.com
Learn the lasting effects of plumbism to children exposed to dust from lead-containing paint.
Lead Poisoning Prevention Outreach Program
U.S. government program to give community-based organizations the tools and skills to plan and execute successful lead poisoning prevention programs in their communities.
Lead Prevention
San Francisco Children's Environmental Health Promotion (CEHP) childhood lead prevention program information.
Living Safely With Lead
Australian Lead Reference Centre for lead, health and the environment.
Medline Plus: Lead Poisoning
U.S. National Library of Medicine information on lead poisoning with links to reviews and articles.
Multnomah County Health Department Lead Poisoning
Provides description of Oregon county community based services to those at risk for lead poisoning.
Nutrition And Childhood Lead Poisoning, HYG-5536-9
Ohio State University Extension fact sheet on the subject.
Preventing Lead Poisoning in Young Children
Adverse effects of lead in young children are showing at increasingly lower blood lead levels. Detection and management info from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control.
The LEAD Group Inc
Organization aiming to eliminate childhood and foetal lead poisoning in Australia by the year 2012 and to protect the environment from lead. Includes fact sheets, news articles, and other resources.
The Maine Lead Action Project
An awareness organization striving to eradicate childhood lead poisoning through education, support, and assistance. Provide information about the hazards of lead poisoning.
U.S. EPA Lead Programs
Information and analysis on hazards of residential lead exposure for children exposed to deteriorating lead-based paint, lead contaminated dust, and lead contaminated residential soil. EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics.