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European Guideline for Mapping Lichen Diversity as
Proposes a standardized method to utilize the sensitivity and fast response of lichen, to assess diversity on tree bark. Includes detailed explanations of the principles of the procedure, sampling design, sampling procedure, data analysis and interpretation, and the data pool, report-form template, and references.
Gardening in the Global Greenhouse: The Impacts of
A technical report from the UK Climate Impacts Programme (UKCIP). Reviews data from research on agricultural and horticultural crops, and in forestry and nature conservation; examines responses within the context of gardens, garden plants, and the garden industry; and identifies future research needs.
Global Climate Change and Agricultural Production
An e-book from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Reports on the results of experiments to assess the direct and indirect effects of changing hydrological, pedological, and plant physiological processes.
Plant Migration and Climate Change
Provides evidence from prehistoric and present observations, and recent mathematical analyses, to show that human activity has altered patterns of habitat expansion and seed dispersal. From The Scientific Research Society.
Potential Impacts of Climate Change on World Food
Detailed analysis of a modeling study of the effects on crop production and its economic implications, coordinated by the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, for the US Environmental Protection Agency. Includes quantitative estimates of yield changes of major food, cash and industrial crops, prices, trade, and risk of hunger.
Synoptic Dendroclimatology: Central to Eastern Can
Reconstruction of spatiotemporal warm season drought severity over a 220-year period using tree-ring chronologies distributed across the southern Canadian boreal forest. Discusses the implications of large scale atmospheric circulation shifts.