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Earthship Biotecture
Independent, solar housing made from materials that are indigenous to the entire planet.
EcoLiving Center
Online community that represents the values of cultural creatives. Stated focus is on naturally healthy, earth friendly living. Sections include message boards, articles, links, e-cards and current events. Primary issues include health, home, gardens, eco-living, environment, spirituality, vegetarianism, animals, energy saving, green building and politics.
Buildings which by design are completely self sustaining by using gravity geo-thermal envelope to heat and cool buildings without using fossil fuels as well as lights, gas, water, waste and food production.
Green Building Primer by B.E.S.T.
Green Building: A Primer for Builders, Consumers and Realtors published by B.E.S.T. (Building Environmental Science and Technology). Provides a detailed review of green building approaches and considerations. USA centric, globally useful.
Heartwood Alberta Straw Bale Home
Provides information regarding the planning and development of a simple and self-reliant environmentally friendly home, with emphasis on how or why choices were made. Includes references to helpful resource materials.
Home Ecology
Extensive noncommercial information source on strategies for ecologically sound living: composting, natural gardening, junk mail reduction, energy and water conservation, garbage reduction, safety of household chemicals and cleaners, and related topics.
An Environmental Risk Assessment Guide for the home. Covers eleven topics that every homeowner or resident should understand: evaluating a property for environmental risks, stormwater management, drinking water well management, household wastewater usage, hazardous household products, garden care, lead risks, liquid fuels, indoor air quality, heating and cooling systems, and household waste management.
Hunt Utilities Group, LLC
A for profit organization for the purpose of exploring and developing systems that support ecological living.
Institute for Sustainable Futures
The Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF) is an initiative of the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). The ISF conducts applied research and consulting on a wide range of sustainability related topic areas.
Low-Impact Living Initiative
Low-Impact Living Initiative (LILI) is a UK based non-profit organisation dedicated to helping protect the global environment by researching and promoting sustainable, low-impact living alternatives. Includes information sheets, information on workshops, installations and newsletters.
Michael Mobbs ; Sustainable Projects & Design
Michael Mobbs is a Sustainable Projects and Design consultant based in Sydney, Australia. Michael has held an interest in sustainable design for over 20 years, advising about technology, design, environmental law and policy to government, the private sector and community groups.
National Wildlife Federation
Backyard Wildlife Habitat program can help you save a place for wildlife right in your own backyard and community, while opening your eyes to the natural world around you, to be nourished by its wonders.
Navigating Our Future
Promotes sustainability in the San Juan Islands. Offers educational programs and events to engage individuals, professionals, organizations and groups in applying sustainable systems, and in promoting stewardship within San Juan County.
Oikos - Green Building Source
Oikos is an Oregon based distribution firm with many links to green design resources. Features a Green Product Directory and a Green Building Library. Useful for commercial green builders and novices seeking professional information.
reHOUSE Project
Contemporary perspective on sustainability in the household. Household appliances in ceramics form a water network in the appartement.
Southwest Desert Sustainability Project (New Mexi
Non Profit hands on work study program in sustainable affordable building in earthen construction, passive solar design with bio-sewage options.
Sustainable Buildings Industry Council
All aspects of sustainable design and construction: energy efficiency, renewable technologies, daylighting, healthy indoor environments, traditional materials, and resource conservation.
Sustainable Futures Institute
Creates and disseminates new methods and processes for generating scientific knowledge and engineering products in support of sustainability decisions and education.
The Busy Person's Guide to Greener Living
Site offers weekly tips and other information to email subscribers, some information and links accessible without subscription.
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Saving the Envi
Table of contents, excerpts, and environmental tips from book by Greg Pahl. Brief review of book by Seventh Generation of Burlington, Vermont. Also lists links to relevant resources. Book is offered for sale online.
The EcoDesign Foundation, Sydney
An independent, non-profit association that exists to promote design-led change to more sustainable ways of living
The Green Design Initiative - Carnegie Mellon Univ
Carnegie Mellon University's Green Design Initiative. Promotes environmentally conscious engineering, product and process design, manufacturing, and architecture. Information includes research, publications, education.
The Importance of Living Things in Our Everyday Wo
Discussion of declining quality of various world systems, extracted from book "The Vital Vastness". Includes some positive suggestions. Book available for order online. Lots of assertions. Sources used in book are not referenced online.
The Solar Harvest Organization
Promotes renewable energy and sustainable living in the Rocky Mountain west.
Urban Farmstead
A story of making an inner city home into an "urban farmstead" including the topics of raising ducks and chickens, greywater, gardening, solar energy, composting, and the economic benefits.