english deutsch
Drip-Tech Wastewater Systems
Drip irrigation technology in Texas for land treatment and disposal of wastewater.
Electrodeionization for Water Recycling in Semicon
Information about the technology and its potential advantages. Electrodeionization is applicable in virtually any high-tech manufacturing facility.
Enviro Cistern Household Water Recycling System
Describes a product for conserving household water by reuse of backwash and flush water from softeners and reverse osmosis systems.
Reusing Treated Wastewater in Domestic Housing: Th
Waste Not Want Not - The Benefits of Water Recycli
Waste not, want not. Why throw away wastewater? Why call it wastewater at all, when it is loaded with valuable nutrients that need only be reclaimed and redistributed? We can extract the phosphorus and nitrogen to be used as fertilizer, and purify the "wastewater" until it is sparkling clean and ready for reuse.