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Catholic University of the Sacred Heart at Brescia
Department of Mathematics and Physics.
International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste
Sectors include mathematical physics, functional analysis and statistical mechanics.
Istituto per Ricerche di Matematica Applicata, Bar
Mathematical methodologies particularly prominent in applications.
Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
Research Activities in Mathematics
University of Basilicata, Potenza
Department of Mathematics.
University of Bergamo
DMSIA - Department of Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science and Applications.
University of Bologna
Department of Mathematics.
University of Cagliari
Department of Mathematics.
University of Ferrara
Department of Mathematics.
University of Messina
Department of Mathematics.
University of Milan
Department of Mathematics "Federigo Enriques".
University of Milan-Bicocca
Department of Mathematics and Applications.
University of Naples
Department of Mathematics "R. Caccioppoli".
University of Padova
Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics.
University of Pavia
Department of Mathematics "Felice Casorati".
University of Pisa
Department of Mathematics "Leonida Tonelli".
University of Rome I "La Sapienza"
Mathematics Department.
University of Rome II "Tor Vergata"
Mathematics Department.
University of Rome III
Department of Mathematics.
University of Trento
Department of Mathematics.
University of Udine
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.