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Abstract Linear Spaces
From the History of Mathematics project.
Elementary Linear Algebra
Online Lecture Notes (PostScript) by Keith Matthews, 1991.
Elements of Abstract and Linear Algebra
An online textbook on abstract algebra with emphasis on linear algebra.
Hermann Grassmann and the Creation of Linear Algeb
A historical paper on the elaboration of the discipline's foundations in the middle of the 19th century.
Exact linear algebra computation tools and downloads.
Linear Algebra - Preliminary lectures
Gives a definition of the topic and motivation. Sections cover vector spaces, linear transformations, matrix calculus, eigenspaces, diagonalisation, square matrix composition, and quadratic forms.
Linear Algebra and Applications Textbook
Online text, each page is a GIF format image.
Linear Algebra from MathWorld
Offers elementary definitions in general linear algebra, matrices and determinants.
Linear Algebra Glossary
Includes definitions and examples of all basic concepts.
Linear Algebra Textbook
By Jim Hefferon. Free download in PDF and TeX source code. Covers the material of an undergraduate first linear algebra course.
Linear Algebra Toolkit
Step by step solutions of problems such as Gauss-Jordan reduction, calculating the determinant, and finding a basis of a space spanned by given vectors.
Linear and Multilinear Algebra
Includes information on subscription, paper submission, and table of contents.
Linear and Multilinear Algebra, Matrix Theory
An informative description of the subject of linear algebra and all of its subfields from the Mathematical Atlas.
Lyryx Interactive Linear Algebra
Contains narrated and animated lessons, interactive exploration and computational tools, and an assessment system providing feedback to guide student learning.
Matrix Multiplication
An interactive micro-course for beginners, by Hans Lundmark. (Uses JavaScript.)
Notes on Linear Algebra
By Lee Lady: available in PDF, PS or DVI.
Professor Strang's Linear Algebra Class
Offers online video lectures for MIT's Linear Algebra course. Topics include geometric properties, using matrices, permutations, pivot variables, subspaces, Cramer's Rule, and Eigenvalues.
Topics in Linear Algebra
An approach unifying the notions of system of equations, matrix inversion, and linear programming.