english deutsch
Adams, William W.
University of Maryland. Groebner bases; Computer algebra.
Aramova, Annetta
University of Essen. Commutative Algebra.
Arnold, Elizabeth A.
Texas A&M University. Groebner Bases and Computer Algebra. Publications, teaching material.
Ash, Robert
University of Illinois. Downloadable texts in Abstract Algebra, Algebraic Number Theory, Commutative Algebra (PDF).
Barwick, Clark
University of Pennsylvania. Nonabelian, quasiabelian, and abelian cohomology theories. Publications, resources.
Bazzotti, Laura
Genoa University. Computational Commutative Algebra. Publications, CoCoA resources.
Bergeron, François
Department of Mathematics. University of Quebec at Montreal. Research interests include Macdonald polynomials and computer algebra.
Cain, Alan J.
University of St Andrews. Presentations for Subsemigroups of Groups. Publications, talks.
Camina, Rachel
University of Cambridge. Pro-p-groups. Publications, EWM resources.
Chapman, Scott
Trinity University, San Antonio. Commutative algebra, finite abelian groups, combinatorics and number theory: especially factorization of elements in integral domains and monoids.
Chatters, Arthur
University of Bristol. Non-commutative ring theory,properties of Noetherian rings. Publications, thesis.
Chuang, Joe
University of Bristol. Representation theory of finite groups, homological algebra. Teaching resources.
Colleagues in General Algebra and Related Fields
A list compiled by Emil W. Kiss, Ágnes Szendrei and Keith Kearnes.
Commutative Algebraists
List of email and web addresses at the Center for Commutative Algebra.
Couceiro, Miguel
MALJA, Finland. Universal algebra, function class and relational constraint characterizations.
Crans, Alissa S.
Loyola Marymount University. Higher-dimensional algebra: Lie theory with elements of category theory, knot theory and Lie algebra cohomology. Publications, thesis.
Folk in Group Pub Forum
Members of a group theory mailing list.
Grojnowski, Ian
University of Cambridge. Representation theory, reductive groups, algebraic geometry. Papers.
Hanaki, Akihide
Shinshu University. Representation Theory of Finite Groups; Algebraic Combinatorics; Computational Algebra.
Holt, Derek
University of Warwick. Group theory.
Jensen, Christian U.
University of Copenhagen. The general inverse problem of Galois theory both for algebraic number fields and for arbitrary fields. Contact information.
Jones, Gareth
University of Southampton. Group theory, and its applications to geometry, topology, combinatorics and Galois theory. Recent preprints.
Joyner, David
US Naval Academy, Annapolis. Groups, representation theory, Lie algebras, Harmonic analysis, the Langlands philosophy, error-correcting codes, GAP, and MAGMA. Papers, books, software, teaching notes, mathematical resources.
Kearnes, Keith A.
University of Colorado. Algebra, Logic, Combinatorics. Resources in general algebra, universal algebra and lattice theory.
Lady, E. Lee
University of Hawaii. Notes on algebra and teaching materials.
Larsen, Michael
Indiana University. Algebraic number theory; algebraic geometry; group theory (finite, finitely generated, compact, or algebraic); homological algebra; algebraic combinatorics; applied algebra. Teaching notes, Putnam competition information.
Lazarev, Andrey
University of Bristol. Algebraic Topology; K-theory; Homological Algebra and Deformation Theory. Publications, teaching resources.
Neumann, Peter M .
The Queen's College, University of Oxford. Varieties of groups; finite permutation groups; infinite permutation groups; design of group-theoretic algorithms; soluble groups; quantitative topics in group theory; matrices over finite fields; miscellaneous questions in combinatorics, geometry and general group theory; history of group theory. Chairman of the UK Mathematics Trust.
Niblo, Graham A.
University of Southampton. Geometric group theory.
Norton, Simon P.
University of Cambridge. Group theory. Contact information.
Personal Pages of Group Theorists
A list maintained by the "World of Groups" project.
Renshaw, Jim
University of Southampton. Algebraic semigroups, semigroup amalgams, automata/category theory, computer aided learning. Publications, teaching material, semigroup resources.
Representation Theorist Home Pages
Home pages of researchers.
Rickard, Jeremy
University of Bristol. Modular representation theory of finite groups and related areas of algebraic topology; Homological algebra; Representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras. Publications, resources.
Ring Theorist Lists
Compiled by A.D. Bell.
Saxl, Jan
University of Cambridge. Groups, algebraic groups, representation theory. Contact information; JGT70.
Schofield, Aidan
University of Bristol. Representation theory of finite dimensional algebras; Vector bundles on curves and surfaces; Invariant theory and the study of rings with polynomial identities. Teaching resources.
Semigroup Theorists
Compiled by Jim Renshaw.
Singerman, David
University of Southampton. Fuchsian groups and non-Euclidean crystallographic (NEC) groups and their applications to Riemann surfaces and dessins d'enfants.
Spingarn, Jonathan
Linear and discrete mathematics. Georgia Institute of Technology. Lists class notes and schedules.
Swallow, John
Davidson College, NC. Computational aspects of Galois embedding problem; character groups and Brauer groups of fields; Galois module structure of p-th power classes; Galois module structure of Milnor K-theory. Publications and software.
Weibel, Charles
Rutgers. Algebraic K-theory, homological algebra. On-line texts and notes in algebra, history; journal information.