english deutsch
Potential Theory
Harmonic Function Theory and Mathematica, L.L.Helms Homepage, Northern Illinois University - Mathematical Atlas, Potential Theory
Complex Analysis
Mathematica 4.0 Notebooks to accompany the textbook by John Mathews and Russell Howell
Complex Analysis and Analytic Geometry
Research presentation at Jussieu.
Complex Analysis in Japan
Links, seminars, preprints, gallery (in English).
Complex and Functional Analysis
Course notes and old exams in PDF, PS, DVI, and TeX for a first course in Complex and Functional Analysis.
Complex Plot
Computer program that plots images of holomorphic functions.
Complex Variable Toolbox
MATLAB toolbox designed and developed for teaching complex variables with focus on the graphic representation of the concepts.
Graphics for Complex Analysis
A collection of graphical demonstrations of concepts in complex analysis. Requires Java.
Harmonic Maps Bibliography
The master file is in TiB format from which BiBTeX, TeX and PostScript versions have been generated.
Mathematics ArXiv front
CV - Complex Variables
Navigating Teichmüller Space
Graphical tool for visualising a tiling of a genus-2 Riemann surface by octagons.
On the Riemann-Hilbert Problem
Masters thesis by Martin Kilian, 1999.
Several Complex Variables and Analytic Spaces
Articles and links in the Mathematical Atlas series.
Several Complex Variables in Japan
Conferences, mailing lists, research groups, other links.
UW Complex Analysis Seminar Archive
Seminar abstracts starting 1995.
Visualizing Complex Analytic Functions Using Domai
Color pictures of complex analytic functions, with rather extensive comments. Hans Lundmark, Dept. of Mathematics, Linköping University, Sweden.