english deutsch
Center for Complex Systems & Brain Sciences, F
. Multidisciplinary since its inception, the Center involves the cooperative efforts of neuroscientists, psychologists, mathematicians, physicists, computer scientists, and engineers.Founded in 1985
Center for Complex Systems Research, University of
Research group which studies phenomena of multivariante systems with a large flow, such as turbulence, lightenings, and information flow on the internet.
Center for Nonlinear and Complex Systems - [Como,
Classical and quantum dynamical systems.
Center for Nonlinear Studies
Group studying fundamentals and applications of nonlinear phenomena and complex systems. Located at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Center for the Study of Complex Systems, Michigan
seminars, workshops, education and research
Centre For Nonlinear Studies
(UK) University of Leeds, Meetings, publications.
Centre for Policy Modelling, Manchester Metropolit
"Simplicity is no reason, difficulty is no excuse." Publishers of the Journal of Memetics
Complex Systems and Networks
CSN is a self-organized network of people spanning various academic units at Indiana University, interested in the broad areas of complex systems, network science, modeling, simulation, artificial life, and visualization.
Complex Systems goroup at Academy of Finland
complex system is a collective consisting of a large number of individual components that interact in a strongly nonlinear fashion
Complex Systems in Argentina, Buenos AIRES
Applications to economics, Links to other universities and resources
Complex Systems Modeling, LANL, USA
The study of the dynamics of networks of agents at a US national laboratory.
Complex Systems Research Center at New Hampshire,
Part of Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space (EOS), investigates the effects of human disturbance on the Earth's biogeochemical processes. Part of Geo-Web ring.
Complex Systems, Macedonia, Greece
description of courses, topics, links...
Complexity Lab
At the Niels Bohr Institute and the Danish Technical University. Working on biophysics, turbulence, self-organised criticality and other complex systems.
Complexity On-line
Charles Sturt University, Australia Complexity On-line is a scientific information network about complex systems. You will find access to sites, publications (including the Complexity On-line Journal ) and other sources of interest.
Complexity Research Programme
At the London School of Economics, UK.
CSCO - Complex Systems Computation Group, Finland
Computational study of collection of simple interacting agents, ...
Duke Center for Nonlinear and Complex Systems
Interdisciplinary research at Duke University on nonlinear dynamics and emergent phenomona in complex systems.
Genomelink Research Institute
Uses nonlinear dynamics and chaos to develop models and methods with special interest in studying numerical uncertainties. Applications include creating advanced algorithms for economics, microbiology, and quantum mechanics. Includes a list of research projects, news and volunteer information.
Glushkov Cybernetic Centre, Kiev, Ukraine
GMDH for prediction, optimization, clustering, data mining ...
Group of Nonlinear Dynamics and Synergetics, Slove
Applications to the cardiovascular system
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia - Portugal
Development and evolution of complex systems in an organism centered approach.
New England Complex Systems Institute
Nonlinear and Complex Systems Lab. Korea
Resources on Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex Systems NCSL,
Organizational theory of social networks, human so
Home page of Douglas R. White, Anthropologist, at UC Irwine
Santa Fe Institute
Private, non-profit, multidisciplinary research and education center. New kind of scientific research community, pursuing emerging science.
Self-Organizing Systems
Tutorial on processes and patterns of organization and complexity in natural systems: complex adaptive systems, criticality, the edge of chaos. By Ethan Decker, University of New Mexico.
Statistical Mechanics & Complex Systems, Texas
E-prints and tutorials in chaos physics and other topics.
The Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Bas
Connected Mathematics: Making Sense of Complex Phenomena Through Building Object-Based Parallel Models
The Plexus Institute
Application of Complex Systems to health care. Bibliography, news.
UCL Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics, London
research in the theory of nonlinear dynamics and its applications across science and engineering
VCU Complexity Research Group, Virginia
Influenced by the works of Robert Rosen* in theoretical biology, systems science and epistemology. .. Constructivism as a refreshing alternative