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EMPG 1995, EMPG 1999, EMPG 2000, EMPG 2001, EMPG 2002, EMPG 2003, EMPG 2004, Math Psych 2002, SMP 1998, SMP 2003
CNTC Mathematical Psychology Analyst
Mathematical psychology analyst and research center with online monographs.
European Masters Programme in Mathematical Psychol
A research training programme coordinated by a number of European universities. Details of the curses and centers.
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences, UC
A center to facilitate interaction and common research goals among scientists whose purpose is to create and evaluate precisely formulated, testable theories of human behavior.
Journal of Mathematical Psychology
Articles, monographs and reviews, notes and commentaries, and book reviews in many areas of mathematical psychology. Published by Elsevier Press.
Open Distance Learning: Mathematical Psychology
Online manuscripts on Mathematical Psychology.
Project Psychology for Scientists and Engineers
A collection of works which state theorems of psychological subject matter derived from well-defined empirical presuppositions and a minimal number of language assumptions.
Representing Interval Orders by Arbitrary Real Int
Solves a representation problem once left open by Fishburn and deals with some related themes. [HTML abstract, download as PDF and DVI]
Society for Mathematical Psychology
Promotes the advancement and communication of research in mathematical psychology, broadly defined to include work of a theoretical character that uses mathematical methods, formal logic, or computer simulation. The Society journal is the Journal of Mathematical Psychology.
Society for Mathematical Psychology
Alternative web site.
Topological Psychology
The invariances of perception, cognition, and emotion--the constancies and memory--lend themselves naturally to topological treatment.