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Algebraic Graph Theory
Home page for graduate level textbook "Algebraic Graph Theory" by Chris Godsil and Gordon Royle, published by Springer-Verlag, 2001.
Digraphs: Theory, Algorithms and Applications
A comprehensive source of results, notions and open problems on directed graphs, with 12 chapters, 754 pages, 186 figures and 705 exercises. The book is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students, mathematicians, computer scientists and operational researchers. Site has preface, contents, chapter 1 and other extracts (PS) with errata, updates and ordering information.
Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory
Adopting a user-friendly, conversational-and at times humorous-style, these authors make the principles and practices of discrete mathematics as stimulating as possible while presenting comprehensive, rigorous coverage. Examples and exercises integrated throughout each chapter serve to pique student interest and bring clarity to even the most complex concepts. Above all, the book is designed to engage today's students in the interesting, applicable facets of modern mathematics.
Douglas West's Books
Home page of D. West with description of his books: Introduction to Graph Theory, Mathematical Thinking: Problem-Solving and Proofs, Combinatorics: A Core Course, The Art of Combinatorics.
Graph Coloring Problems
Archives for the book "Graph Coloring Problems" by Tommy R. Jensen and Bjarne Toft (Wiley Interscience 1995)
Graph Theory
By Reinhard Diestel.
Graph Theory 1736-1936
Two centuries of Graph Theory, by Norman L. Biggs, E. Keith Lloyd, and Robin J. Wilson.
Graph Theory and Its Applications
The purpose of www.graphtheory.com is to provide information about the textbook Graph Theory and Its Applications and to serve as a comprehensive graph theory resource for graph theoreticians and students.
Introductory Graph Theory
This book has been written by G. Chartrand with several objectives in mind: to teach the reader some of the topics in the youthful and exciting field of graph theory; to show how graphs are applicable to a wide variety of subjects, both within and outside mathematics; to increase the student's knowledge of, and facility with, mathematical proof; and last but not least and, actualy, to have some fun with mathematics.