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Home Pages of Combinatorial People and Groups, SIAM Activity Group on Discrete Mathematics, UK Combinatorial Mathematicians, Who's Who in Combinatorics
Bailey, Rosemary A.
Queen Mary, University of London. Experimental designs, statistics. Publications, teaching material.
Banos, Raul
University of Almeria. Optimization in complex problems and heuristics.
Bergeron, Nantel
York University, Toronto. Algebraic combinatorics.
Bierbrauer, Juergen
Michigan Technological University. Discrete Mathematics and its interactions with Geometry, Cryptology and Algorithms.
Cameron, Peter
Queen Mary University of London. Permutation groups, and the (finite or infinite) structures on which they act.
Chvátal, Va?ek
Homepage of Va?ek Chvátal (at Rutgers). Includes research information, papers, and problems.
Cooper, Joshua
Courant Institute of Mathematics, NYU. Combinatorial problems arising in number theory, algebraic geometry and coding theory. Papers and preprints, talks and resources.
Demaine, Erik
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Combinatorics, theory of computation and algorithms.
Dobcsanyi, Peter
Queen Mary University of London. Design theory. Publications, LOWX software.
Frieze, Alan
Carnegie Mellon University. Probabilistic combinatorics and its applications in theoretical computer science and operations research.
Gao Weidong
University of Petroleum, Beijing. Additive number theory, additive group theory. CV, publications.
Graham, Fan Chung
Homepage of Fan Chung Graham, including information on research interests, publications, a brief biography, and other subjects.
Gregory Gutin
Royal Holloway, University of London. Graph theory and algorithms, combinatorial optimisation, linear and integer programming.
Ivan Rival Memorial Website
Articles, list of papers, memorial speeches, photos and memorial sculpture of the late world leader in ordered sets and founder of the journal ORDER.
Leighton, Tom
Homepage of Tom Leighton (MIT). Includes biography, research interests, papers, and more.
McKay, Brendan
Australian National University. Combinatorics and software.
Morgan, John P.
Virginia Tech Department of Statistics. Experimental designs.
Nesetril, Jaroslav
Charles University, Prague. Ramsey theory.
Offer, Alan
Universiteit Gent. Finite geometry.
Ossona de Mendez, Patrice
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris. Topological graph theory; Combinatorics; Pliant programming.
Pach, Janos
Courant Institute, New York. Combinatorial geometry.
Propp, James
University of Wisconsin at Madison. Combinatorics, game theory, probability theory and dynamical systems. Preprint and teaching material.
Roch, Sebastien
University of California, Berkeley. Applied probability, theoretical computer science.
Said Amghibech
Homepage with list of publications and mathematics problems.
Sloane, Neil James Alexander
Combinatorics, integer sequences, codes, sphere packings, graphs, lattices, Shannon Works.
Soicher, Leonard H.
Queen Mary University of London. Design theory, combinatorial computing.
Spence, Ted
University of Glasgow. Classification of combinatorial designs.
Stout, Quentin
Discrete mathematics, statistics, algorithms, parallel computing.
Thorsteinsson, Dr. Erlendur S.
Includes doctoral thesis, research papers, slides and contact information.
Vu, Van H.
University of California, San Diego. Probabilistic methods, sharp concentration phenomenon, random structures and algorithms, additive number theory, and algebraic methods in combinatorics. Publications, lecture notes.
Wesley Pegden
Home page concerning research in Combinatorics and Graph Theory with papers and open problems.
Wilf, Herbert
University of Pennsylvania. Combinatorics, texts available for download.
Zeilberger, Doron
Rutgers. Combinatorics, automatic formal identities proving. Preprints, articles, Maple software.
Zemor, Gilles
Ecole Ingenieur Telecom Paris. Combinatorial mathematics, coding theory, cryptography, additive number theory.