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Past Events
Maths Year 2000, MUMC 2003
Past Events, DIMACS Reconnect Conferences, Enhancing University Mathematics Teaching, ICMI Study 15, ICTMT-7, Mathematics Education into the 21st Century, MEC21, MSOR Events Diary, Undergraduate Mathematics Teaching Conference (UMT
All Girls All Math
Annual Mathematics Summer Camp for High School Girls at the University of Nebraska Lincoln NE, USA. Eighth session: 18--24 July 2004.
California State Summer School for Mathematics and
An academic four-week residential program for talented and motivated students who are completing grades 8-12.
Canada / USA Mathcamp
A summer camp for mathematically talented and mathematically gifted high school students from around the world. It includes advanced mathematical topics not normally covered in high schools.
Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics for mathematically talented high school students. 2004 session: 4 July -- 14 August.
Heriot-Watt/Edinburgh Maths Masterclass
Masterclasses for the brightest mathematics school students in Lothian Region. The pupils, aged about 13, spend 2 1/2 hrs each Saturday studying recent developments in Mathematics.
Hudson River Undergraduate Mathematics Conference
A one-day mathematics conference held annually each Spring semester at rotating institutions, and attended by students and faculty from universities and colleges in New York and New England.
MathCamp is a classroom-focused mathematics resource for teachers on the elementary, middle and high school levels.
Mathematics Advanced Study Semester (MASS)
A comprehensive, semester-long mathematical environment for a group of talented undergraduate students recruited from throughout the United States, held at Penn State.
Mathematics Enrichment Programme
Centre for Teaching Mathematics, University of Plymouth. Extra-curricular activities for young people from primary through to VIth form who are able or interested in mathematics and its applications. The activities are centred around the Plymouth area.
Summer program for the highly gifted in grades 6-8 and a mathematics resource for middle and high school students.
Texas State University - San Marcos: teacher programs, summer camps and mentoring.
Oakland University Summer Mathematics Institute
Rochester, MI, USA.
The Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists: a six-week summer program at Boston University.
Royal Institution Mathematics Masterclasses
The Royal Institution holds Mathematics Masterclasses in the Autumn and Spring terms of each year. Dates and links to local organisers.
Royal Institution Mathematics Masterclasses - Staf
Organised by Keele University.
Summer Institute for Mathematics at the University of Washington. SIMUW 2005: 26 June -- 6 August 2005.
Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC)
Brings mathematically talented and motivated high-school students from around the world to Stanford University for four weeks of serious mathematical pursuits. 2004 session: 18 July -- 14 August.
Summer Program for Women in Mathematics
A five-week intensive program for mathematically talented undergraduate women who are completing their junior year and may be contemplating graduate study in the mathematical sciences. George Washington University, DC, USA.
Summer Programs for High School Students
A list of programs which help high school students explore the world of mathematics research, compiled by the AMS.
A four-week program for young women entering ninth through twelfth grades. Mount Holyoke College, MA, USA. 2004 session: 27 June -- 24 July.
TeachMap Workshops
COMAP workshops that focus on using open-ended, authentic applications to teach a variety of mathematics topics.
The Ross Program
An intensive course in mathematics at the Ohio State University for pre-college students.
The Summer Opportunities Resource
For high school students in the USA looking for jobs and programs in mathematics or science. The intent is to provide summer opportunities which are more intellectually stimulating than flipping burgers.
Young Scholars Program in Discrete Mathematics
Annual four-week academic program introducing talented and highly motivated high school students to discrete mathematics. DIMACS, Rutgers, New Jersey, USA. 2004 session: 5--30 July.