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A Bibliography of Mathematics Education
Paul Ernest, University of Exeter.
A Moment in the Zoom of a Lens: Towards a Discursi
Stephen Lerman, Centre for Mathematics Education, South Bank University. An attempt to outline a research programme for mathematics education which is firmly based in cultural, discursive psychology.
Applications and Misapplications of Cognitive Psyc
John R. Anderson, Lynne M. Reder, Herbert A. Simon; Department of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University.
Bridging Research and Practice (BRAP)
A research project designed to answer the question: How can multimedia articles make effective contributions to professional development and research in mathematics education?
CAS-CAT Project
University of Melbourne. Investigating the changes that regular access to calculators equipped with a computer algebra system will have on senior mathematics subjects, including curriculum, teaching methods and associated assessment in Victoria, Australia.
Centre for Mathematics Education
The Open University's Center for Mathematics Education (CME) which delivers maths education programmes and conducts researh into maths education.
CRMSE: Center for Research in Mathematics and Scie
Brings together researchers interested in studying how individuals acquire knowledge in mathematics and science.
European Society for research in Mathematics Educ
A European maths ed. research effort designed to bring together maths educators across Europe so as to support collaborative research across different countries
Gestalt Theory and Mathematics
Gestalt theory - Questions and Answers about Gestalt Theory and Mathematics - by Edith H. Luchins.
Intersubjectivity in Mathematics Learning: A Respo
A.M.Brown, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
JRME is one of the top international maths education journals published by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Malati : Mathematics Learning and Teaching Initiai
Mathematic resources for teachers and students. Many links relating to maths content, assessment, technology, learning theories, history, practice and revision, online publication, etc...
Math Forum - Math Education Research
Internet resources. One of the Math Forum's series of pages dealing with issues in math education.
Mathematics Education
Survey: perspectives on biology and mathematics. Looking at mathematics education for biology students.
Mathematics Education Bibliography
Peter Gates, School of Education, University of Nottingham. September 1997.
Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasi
Promoting, sharing, disseminating, and co-operating in quality research on mathematics education for all levels.
Mathematics Multicultural Education Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography of Multicultural Issues in Mathematics Education, by Patricia S. Wilson, Julio C. Mosquera P., Marilyn E. Strutchens, and Annicia J. Thomas. June 1994.
Maths4Life, Numeracy & non-specialist maths pr
A new project which aims to stimulate a positive approach to teaching and learning in numeracy and maths by means of research, development projects and production of teaching resources.
Proving to Explain
Discussion on the positive results in using problem solving to teach properties of axioms and theorems.
Recent Articles on Mathematics Education
From the AMS Notices.
Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Co
RUMEC conducts investigative research and creates innovative teaching techniques.
Research Sampler: on Recent Research in Mathematic
Brief expositions of research on undergraduate mathematics education: linked to a bibliography, glossary, and list of research questions.
A not-for-profit education research and development organization dedicated to improving mathematics, science, and technology teaching and learning.
The Psychology of Students' Reasoning in Scho
Gives insight into the results of teaching primary and secondary students the process of deductive reasoning.
Third International Mathematics and Science Study. Reports, links.
V.I. Arnold "On Teaching Mathematics"
A controversial paper on the teaching of Pure Mathematics.
What Are Numbers, Really?
A cerebral basis for number sense by Stanislas Dehaene.