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Past Events, Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, Symposium on Computational Geometry, Symposium on Computational Geometry, Symposium on Geometry Processing
Books, Journals
Amenta's Directory of Computational Geometry , CGAL - Computational Geometry Algorithms Library, CM2 Mesh Tools, Computational Geometry Code, Delaunay Triangulation Code, Edgebreaker 3D Compression for Triangle Meshes, Fast Industrial-Strength Triangulation, Fast Robust Predicates for Computational Geometry, FastGEO Computational Geometry Library, Gmsh
Application Challenges to Computational Geometry -
Computational Geometry Impact Task Force Report, chaired by Bernard Chazelle, about the relation between computational geometry and various application fields. This page also archives the discussion that it caused (which was intended) and related links.
ArXiv: cs.CG Computational Geometry
Section of the Computing Research Repository (CoRR), moderated by Joseph O'Rourke.
Center for Geometric and Biological Computing, Duk
Interdisciplinary research in geometric computing. Members, research areas, publications, software, resources.
Center for Geometric Computing, Brown University
A long-term project to transfer technology from Computational Geometry to applied fields. Members, publications, meetings, prototypes, resources.
Compgeom Mailing Lists
Three mailing lists for announcements, discussion, and (inactive) tribune about computational geometry.
Compgeom Mailing Lists Archive
Computational geometry mailing lists archived by Sariel Har-Peled.
Computational Geometry by Godfried Toussaint
Course notes and resource links.
Computational Geometry Pages
Jeff Erickson's comprehensive directory of computational geometry resources, including bibliographies, journals, software, and related hubs.
Computational Geometry Resources
A list maintained at Carleton University.
Ear Cutting for Simple Polygons
Algorithms for polygonal geometry by Ian Garton.
Geometry Algorithms
Resources for geometry algorithm software: geometry history, monthly algorithms and archive, books and journals, videos, and website links.
Geometry Literature Database (geombib)
An ongoing project compiling a reasonably complete BibTeX bibliography of papers in computational geometry.
Godfried Toussaint's Research Interests
Mainly in computational geometry, e.g., mobility of objects in space, degeneracies, quadrangulations, tomography, triangulation, proximity, facility location, and polygonal approximation.
Laurent Balmelli
A research staff member at the IBM T.J. Watson Center in Hawthorne, NY. His main interests and fields of research are computational geometry, digital geometry processing, data compression, data structures and optimization techniques. This site contains his recent publications, as well as demos and software.
Scientific Graphics Project
Publications and software. Hosted by MSRI.
SDCR Computional Geometry Working Group Materials
Resources and final report of the Computational Geometry Working Group, formed as part of the ACM Workshop on Strategic Directions in Computing Research, held at MIT in 1996.
Strategic Directions in Computational Geometry
ACM/NSF Working Group Report chaired by Roberto Tamassia, intended to complement the Application Challenges to Computational Geometry by suggesting overall research directions instead of specific problem areas.
The Voronoi Web Site
Christopher Gold's Computational Geometry Links.
Voronoi Diagrams
Selected references and links.