english deutsch
5D Cube
An interactive Java Applet displaying a five dimensional cube.
Hyperspace Structures: Exploring the Fourth Dimens
Explains the properties of the hypercube and hypertorus. Shows models and video clips. Includes information on how these images were created using software and mathematics.
Mark Newbold's Java Stuff
Java applets that show intersections, morphing, and stereoscopic renderings of four-dimensional polytopes and optical illusions.
Polyobjects: Math's Final Project
Introduces four-dimensional polytopes through fold-outs and java applets that demonstrate slicing.
Regular 4d Polytope Foldouts
Java applets to view the shapes by rotating them.
Uniform Polychora
Some images, and the naming scheme that the author has used to categorize over 8000 of these shapes with.
Uniform Polytopes in Four Dimensions
Tabulates the convex uniform (Platonic and Archimedean) polychora.