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A Problem Course in Mathematical Logic; by Stefan
Volume I: Propositional and First-Order Logic. Volume II: Computability and Incompleteness.
Around Gödel's Theorem
(Hyper)textbook for students in mathematical logic, by Karlis Podnieks.
ASL Committee on Logic Education
Reports and resources from the Association of Symbolic Logic.
Core Concepts in Critical Thinking
A classroom guide.
Course on Description Logics
Slides and notes by Enrico Franconi.
Theory and history of the binary connective 'or'; from the Stanford Encyclopdia of Philosophy by Ray Jennings.
Formal Methods Educational Materials
A repository for information related to formal methods in education, including pointers to existing courses and suggestions for examples and projects.
Games Mathematicians Play
Mathematical games from a logical point of view: strategies for games and using games in descriptive complexity.
Gödel's Theorem and Information
G.J.Chaitin's proof of Gödel's theorem using arguments having an algorithmic information theory flavor.
Exploring the logical basis and practical meaning of infinite sets.
Language Proof and Logic Solutions
Educational resource for users of the Language Proof and Logic textbook.
Logic for Mathematics and Computer Science
Supplementary material to Stanley Burris' logic textbook, with lecture notes, course development hints, and additional text including historical notes.
Logic Software from CSLI
Hyperproof, Tarski's World, Turing's World, and The Language of First-order Logic, educational logic software by Jon Barwise and John Etchemendy
Logic Tutorial
An interactive tool teaching basic formal logic, rendering truth tables as clickable Johnston diagrams. With notes on the Buddhist Nagarjuna and modern symbolic logic.
Elementary Logic Discussion List.
Mission: Critical
Interactive tutorial for critical thinking.
Logic construction toybox. Binary logic simulator to explain binary logic and truth tables. Javascript.
Stephen Downes : Fallacies
Stephen's Guide to the Logical Fallacies.
The Daily Translation
Problems on translation into a logical system, drawn from the current news and updated daily.
The Logic Cafe
An online textbook, courseware package, and homework assistant for introductory symbolic logic. Includes multimedia support.
The Logic Classroom
A course in basic logic consisting of 5 studies with exercises and answers to promote the learning of logic. Homeschool, college, and seminary students.
The Logic Daemon
On-line proof checker, and texts.
University of Alberta Logic Course
Contains an introduction to logic and formal systems, revolving around the Mizar proof checker, and a guide to Mizar.