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A Century of Controversy over the Foundations of M
Edited transcript of a lecture by Gregory Chaitin, author of `The Unknowable'.
The Arche project looks at the foundations of mathematics, especially at Frege's Theorem and its ramifications. Based at the University of St Andrews.
A closed, moderated, e-mail list for discussing Foundations of Mathematics moderated by Martin Davis. Archive available.
Foundations of Mathematics
This is a site for studying foundations of mathematics, or it can be used as a reference material. The site is structured as contents pages of a book on the subject of mathematics foundations. It comprises links to expository materials.
Mizar Project
An attempt to reconstruct mathematical vernacular into a formal language which can be read by humans and also verified by software.
Practical Foundations of Mathematics
Online text of the book by Paul Taylor, together with supporting materials. The text aims to provide a conceptual and formal foundation for mathematics and computer science.
QED Project
Build a single, distributed, computerized repository that rigorously represents all important, established mathematical knowledge