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De Boor, Carl-Wilhelm Reinhold, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Computer Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research involves approximation theory. CV, full-text research articles via ftp, links to journals and conferences involving approximation theory.
Deering, Larry
Programmer with electronics interests. Black Key Sieve (improvement on the Sieve of Erastothenes), a Mandelbrot program, a program for Barker Codes, and a TiCK Keyer modification.
Deolalikar, Vinay, Ph.D.
Information Theory Research Group, Advanced Studies Organization, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories. Research interests in digital communications, applications of number theory and algebraic geometry to communications, coding theory, mathematics of machine intelligence, theoretical computer science. Brief biography and preprints.
Dilcher, Karl, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Novia Scotia, Canada. His research interests are number theory, classical analysis, Bernoulli numbers and polynomials.
Dirkse, David E.
Computer programmer and mathematics teacher. Brief biography, freeware, games, and articles with a nice treatment of elementary programming and mathematics.
Dorroh, J. Robert, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Louisiana State University. His research interests are in the area of semi groups of linear operators and other aspects of the underlying theory of partial differential equations. Publication list.
Doyle, Peter, Ph.D.
Faculty member at Dartmouth College. His research involves Geometry, Chance, and Finite Math. Articles, discussions, and links to a variety of mathematical sites.
Draghia, Dumitru, Dr.
Researcher at the National Communications Research Institute, Bucharest. His doctoral research focus was continuity in Banach algebras. His teaching has included real and complex analysis, functional analysis, and measure theory. Brief CV, list of publications, contact information, links to his research and teaching sites.
Dubey, Ritesh K.
Research Scholar at IIT Kanpur. Numerical solution of partial differential equations.
Duzhin, Sergei V.
Laboratory of Representation Theory and Computational Mathematics (A.M.Vershik), Steklov Mathematical Institute, St Petersburg. Low-dimensional topology, differential geometry, combinatorics, mathematical computations.