english deutsch
Anton, Howard
Drexel University. Author of texts on Calculus with Analytic Geometry and Elementary Linear Algebra.
Hang, Fengbo
Veblen Research Instructor, Department of Mathematics, Princeton University. Subjects: geometric analysis, nonlinear partial differential equations, geometric measure theory.
Harry J. Smith's Fun With Mathematics
Fun math stuff, including computing pi, perfect numbers, Fibonacci numbers, the tesseract, a look into 4-dimensional space.
Hassane Bouzahir
Neutral Functional Differential equations with infinite delay. Preprints, CV, personal interests.
Herod, James V.
School of Mathematics at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Page includes author's notes of multivariable calculus, differential equations, and mathematics of biology. various applications and linear algebra (pdf format). Also, has family lineage.
Hitzl, Donald
Research and other interests of Dr. Donald L. Hitzl, including a recent paper on the Zeta function which experimentally verifies the Riemann hypothesis.
Horwitz, Alan
Professor of mathematics at the Delaware County Campus of Penn State University in Media, PA. His research interests polynomial interpolation, numerical integration, algebraic differential equations, means, and ratios of polynomials with real zeros.
Hu, Robin
Constructions with compass and straightedge: close approximations to the classical questions.
Hypatia-phd's Math Page
Devoted to mathematics and mathematics education. Original lesson plans and class information for teachers; links to NCTM, MAA, lateral logic puzzles and other resources.
Johannes Heinrich
Contains some work on Commutative Algebra, Differential Modules and Kähler Differents.
Søren Have Hansen
Publications and links.