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Computation of Zeros of the Zeta Function
Verification of RH up to the 10^13-th zero, with details of the computations and further results, by Xavier Gourdon with the help of Patrick Demichel.
Easy Proof of Riemann's Hypothesis
Generalisations of the zeta function might provide a proof of Riemann's hypothesis.
Louis de Branges de Bourcia
Purdue University. Proposed solution for the Riemann Hypothesis (pdf format).
Papers on Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function
By Andrew Odlyzko.
Poem about the Riemann Zeta Function
A mathematical hyper-poem.
Proof of Riemann's Hypothesis
A claimed proof of Riemann's Hypothesis.
Riemann Hypothesis
A short article by Krzysztof Maslanka with numerical examples and graphics.
Riemann Hypothesis
Article with links to other resources from MathWorld.
Riemann Hypothesis in a Nutshell
An article by Glen Pugh with a Java applet for viewing zeta on the critical line.
Riemann's Hypothesis
A beginners guide by Jon Perry.
The Music of the Primes
A popular article by Marcus du Sautoy on the Riemann Hypothesis; Science Spectra, Issue 11.
The Riemann Hypothesis
Notes by Steven Finch.
The Riemann Hypothesis
A prime pages article by Chris K. Caldwell.
The Riemann Hypothesis
A short article by Kimon Spiliopoulos.
The Riemann Hypothesis
A short article with some grahpical and numerical evidence in the critical strip.
The Riemann Hypothesis
Some of the conjectures and open problems concerning RH, compiled by the AIM.
The Riemann Hypothesis
Article by Enrico Bombieri (PDF) and video by Jeff Vaaler (.ram) from the Clay Mathematics Institute.
The Riemann Hypothesis
Web article by Aldo Peretti.
Numerical verification of the Riemann Hypothesis by a collaborative computing effort, with downloadable software.