english deutsch
Digital Divisibility Tests
From Carlos Rivera's Prime Puzzles and Problems collection. Carlos asks for the general divisibility rules for any prime number.
Divisibility Criteria
Ways of telling whether one number divides another without actually carrying the division through, constructed here in terms of the digits of the number.
Divisibility Tests
Jim Loy explains the divisibility rules up to 11, including a detailed study of 7.
Divisibility Tests
From the NRICH Maths Project Cambridge, England. Dr. Tim Rowland explains the smaller rules and looks at the rules to 7, 11, 13, and 19.
Divisibility Tests
From the Furman University Electronic Journal of Undergraduate Mathematics. Apoorva Khare's paper is available as an abstract, DVI, and PostScript.
Divisibility War
A card game to teach divisibility rules.
Explaining the Divisibility Rules
Proof of the elementary division rules, plus some lesser-known rules for larger divisors and other bases.
The Anti-Divisor
Introduction to unbiased non-divisor and using it in mathematical proofs.