english deutsch
Brilliant Numbers
Tables of maximal and minimal numbers with two, three or four prime factors of the same length (in decimal notation).
Cunningham Project
Current status of the project to factor numbers of the form b^n +/- 1, b = 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, and 12. Maintained by Samuel S. Wagstaff, jr.
Factor Tables
Richard Brent's tables extend the scope of the Cunningham project (factoring b^n+-1) to all applicable bases b less than 100, plus some higher bases.
Factorization of Cyclotomic Numbers
Hisanori Mishima is coordinating the search and producing tables of factorizations of cyclotomic numbers for values of phi(n) less than 48.
Factorization Results
Tables, summaries, and links to many factoring endeavors, including primorials, factorials, and cyclotomic polynomials. Includes theorems and descriptions behind each project.
Factorizations of Repunit Numbers
Tables available in text and compressed format.
Lists the factors of every single number up to 600, for quick reference and as a resource for students.
Factors of 2^n + or - 1
Factorizations for values of n up to 10000, extending the results of the Cunningham Project.
Factors of Modified Fermat Numbers
Factors of numbers of the form 4^(3^n)+2^(3^n)+1 and 4^(3^n)-2^(3^n)+1.
Factors of Numbers near Googolplex
This table includes all known prime factors of the numbers in the range 10^(10^100) to 10^(10^100)+999, including more than 57000 prime factors of googolplex + 10.
Fermat Factoring Status
Compiled by Wilfrid Keller, lists the known prime factors and complete factorizations of Fermat numbers.
Fibonacci and Lucas Factorizations
Tables of known factorizations of the first 10,000 Fibonacci and Lucas numbers.
Prime Factorization of Cyclotomic Numbers
Factor tables of cyclotomic numbers for values of phi(n) up to 120 by Mitsuo Morimoto.
Repunit Primes and Factors
Factors of 10^n +- 1 for n<1000.