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Catalan's Conjecture
Describes the basic equation and special cases. Provides related links.
Catalan's Problem
Entry in the Prime Glossary with description, brief history and references.
Math Trek: Conquering Catalan's Conjecture
News article explains that Preda Mihailescu of the University of Paderborn in Germany may finally have the key to solving venerable problem. Features bibliographic references and links.
MathWorld News: Draft Proof of Catalan's Conj
News brief announcing the break through that provides a history and description of the equation.
MathWorld: Catalan's Conjecture
Features an explanation of the equation and offers bibliographic references.
Powers Differing By 1 (Catalan)
Article describes how certain special cases of this conjecture can be proven by very simple arguments.
StudyWorks Online : Another Big Conjecture Proved
Describes the solution to the problem with examples and offers links.
Wikipedia: Catalan's Conjecture
Brief article offers a description of the problem and features links.
Zeroing In on Catalan's Conjecture
MathTrek: Science News Online article.