english deutsch
Bach, Eric
University of Wisconsin. Theoretical computer science and computational number theory. Recent publications and research summary.
Bachoc, Christine
Université de Bordeaux. Number theory, theory of Lattices, coding theory, and combinatorics. Publications, teaching, events.
Baier, Stephan
Freie Universität Berlin. Analytic number theory. Research papers and thesis in downloadable files.
Bailey, David
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Experimental mathematics and scientific computing. Research papers, photos, and links.
Baker, Alan
University of Cambridge. Number theory, transcendence, logarithmic forms, effective methods, Diophantine geometry, Diophantine analysis. Fields medal, FRS.
Baker, Andrew
University of Glasgow. Algebraic topology. Publications, preprints, course information, and mathematical links.
Baker, Matt
University of Georgia. Research papers, curriculum vitae, and mathematical links.
Baker, Roger
Brigham Young University. Collected works of Bernhard Riemann.
Baldassarri, Francesco
Université Louis Pasteur. Arithmetic algebraic geometry. Curriculum vitae, list of publications with some preprints.
Ballantine, Cristina
College of the Holy Cross. Number Theory, representation theory, automorphic forms, and algebraic combinatorics. Curriculum vitae and publications.
Balog, Antal
Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Analytic number theory, distribution of prime numbers, and sieve methods. Curriculum vitae and list of publications.
Banks, William
University of Missouri. Contact information and curriculum vitae.
Baragar, Arthur
University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Number theory, arithmetic geometry, and algebraic geometry. Personal background and mathematical links.
Bareikis, Gintautas
Vilnius University. Probability theory and number theory. Publications and course information.
Bars, Francesc
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Elliptic curves, Tamagawa numbers. Papers, preprints, thesis. English/Catalan.
Baruch, Ehud Moshe
University of California, Santa Cruz. Representation theory and automorphic forms. Publication list, curriculum vitae, and course information.
Bauer, Hartmut
Technische Universität Berlin. Algebraic number theory and analytic theory of algebraic numbers. Thesis and preprints.
Baxa, Christoph
University of Vienna. Number theory. Curriculum vitae and publications.
Bayer-Fluckiger, Eva
Ecole Polytechnique Federale, Lausanne. Arithmetic geometry. Curriculum and publications.
Bays, Carter
University of Southern California. Number theory. Curriculum vitae and links.
Beckmann-Kazez, Sybilla
University of Georgia. Number theory. Contact informations.
Beineke, Jennifer
Western New England College. L-functions and Eisenstein series.
Benedetto, Robert
Boston University. Number theory and dynamics. List of papers includes abstracts and dvi files, abbreviated Curriculum Vitae.
Bennett, Mike
University of British Columbia. Number theory, diophantine approximation, and classical analysis. Curriculum vitae and publication list with downloadable papers.
Berend, Daniel
Ben-Gurion University. Number theory amd ergodic theory. Publications and course information.
Bergé, Anne-Marie
University Bordeaux. Algebraic number theory and geometry of numbers. Publications, recent work, and links.
Bergelson, Vitaly
Ohio State Universiemsty. Combinatorics, ergodic theory. Publications.
Berger, Laurent
Havard University. P-adic representations and differential equations. Personal information, papers, lectures, and pictures.
Berndt, Bruce
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Number theory, Ramanujan's notebooks, partitions.
Bertolin, Cristiana
Universität Regensburg. 1-motives.
Besser, Amnon
Ben Gurion University. Number theory, algebraic cycles, algebraic K-theory and arithmetic geometry. Research, publications, course information, and links.
Bettner, Stefan
Universität Augsburg. Publications and mathematical links.
Beukers, Frits
Utrecht University. Number theory. Seminars, recent preprints/papers, and mathematical links.
Bezivin, Jean-Paul
University of Caen. Number theory and recurrent sequences. Recent papers and courses.
Bilu, Yuri
University of Bordeaux I. Number theory. Publications, genealogy, links, and pictures.
Birò, András
Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Analytic Number Theory, automorphic forms, and diophantine approximation. Curriculum vitae and list of publications
Blasius, Don
University of California at Los Angeles. Number theory, arithmetic geometry and automorphic forms. Recent papers, courses, and links.
Blomer, Valentin
University of Toronto. Analytic number theory, in particular the theory of quadratic forms and L-functions. Publications.
Boca, Florin
University of Illinois. List of publications and conference links.
Boeckle, Gebhard
Universität Duisburg-Essen. Galois representations, L-functions. Publications.
Booker, Andrew
Graduate of mathematics at Princeton University. Photo album, papers and preprints, and nth prime page.
Borcherds, Richard E.
Berkeley. Quantum algebra and number theory. Preprints, lecture notes, tables of lattices and modular forms. Fields medallist, 1998.
Borisov, Alexander
Pennsylvania State University. Number theory. Publications, preprints, and links.
Borwein, Peter
Simon Fraser University. Experimental mathematics and number theory. Preprints, publications.
Bosma, Wieb
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. Computer algebra and number theory. Research, publications, and past activities.
Boston, Nigel
University of Wisconsin, Madison. Algebraic number theory, group theory, arithmetic geometry, computational algebra, coding theory, cryptography, and other applications of algebra to electrical engineering. Preprints, students, resources.
Boyd, David
University of British Columbia. Analysis, number theory and mathematical computation. Selected publications, workshop and course information.
Boylan, Matt
University of Wisconsin at Madison. Number theory. Curriculum vitae, conferences, list of publications.
Bradley, David
University of Maine. Analysis and number theory. Talks, publications and teaching.
Bratu, Nicolae
Craiova University, Romania. Diophantine problems, especially representability by sums of squares.
Bremner, Andrew
Arizona State University. Number theory and diophantine problems. Contact information and links.
Brent, Barry
Numbers Theory. Research papers, preprints, photos, and links.
Brent, Richard
University of Oxford. Computational number theory; Computational complexity and analysis of algorithms; Computer architecture and novel models of computing; Numerical analysis and numerical algorithms; Random number generators; Software and the WWW.
Bressoud, David
Macalester College. Number theory and combinatorics. Book list, course information, and links.
Breuer, Florian
Université Paris. Elliptic curves, Drinfeld modules, Modular curves and other arithmetic moduli spaces; Ducci Sequences. Publications, background information, photos, and curriculum vitae.
Briggs, Keith
Modem design and mobile networking algorithms. Recent presentations, publications, notes, and software.
Bringmann, Kathrin
University of Wisconsin. Elliptic, Hilbert, and Siegel modular forms. Publications and preprints.
Broughan, Kevin
University of Waikato. Number theory. Teaching, research, and mathematical links.
Brown, Jim
University of Michigan. Saito-Kurokawa lifts, L-values for GL_2, and congruences between Siegel modular forms.
Brown, Ezra
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Number theory. Research papers and mathematical links.
Brown, Peter
University of New South Wales. History of mathematics and number theory. Contact information.
Brown, Tom
Simon Fraser University. Combinatorial number theory. List of publications.
Browning, Tim
University of Oxford. Rational points on algebraic varieties. Thesis and papers.
Brubaker, Ben
Stanford University. Analytic number theory, automorphic forms. Publications.
Brueggeman, Sharon
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Algebraic number theory, group theory, diophantine equations. Curriculum vitae and mathematical links.
Bruggeman, Roelof
Universiteit Utrecht. Number theory. Publications, recent preprints, notes, seminar, course information (in Dutch).
Bruin, Nils
Simon Fraser University. Number theory and computer. List of publications, awards, and software.
Bruinier, Jan
Universität zu Köln. Automorphic forms, number theory, and algebraic geometry. Research papers, preprints, and links.
Buchholz, Ralph
Research papers in downloadable files.
Budden, Mark
Armstrong Atlantic State University. Algebraic Number Theory, Automorphic Forms, Representation Theory. Publications.
Buecker, Karsten
Algebraic number theory. Background informations and mathematical links.
Buell, Duncan
University of South Carolina. Non-numeric computations, number theory, parallel algorithms and architectures. Research and list of publications.
Buium, Alexandru
University of New Mexico. Number theory. Publications, curriculum vitae, and mathematical links.
Bulant, Michal
Masaryk University. Algebraic and computational number theory; symbolic computing. Papers, texts, resources.
Bumby, Richard
Rutgers University. Articles, preprints, and course archive.
Bump, Dan
Stanford University. Automorphic forms, representation theory, and number theory. Lecture notes, publications, and links.
Burger, Edward
Williams College. Number theory. Publications, lectures, books, and related links.
Burnol, Jean-François
Université Lille. Number theory. Publications and research papers.
Burns, David
King's College London. Number theory. Publications and preprints, recent and current Ph.D. students.
Bush, Michael
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Algebraic number theory. Curriculum vitae, research statement, and mathematical links.
Bushnell, Colin
King's College London. Number theory and the representation theory of p-adic groups. Publications and preprints.
Buzzard, Kevin
Imperial College in London. Research, notes, and links.
Byott, Nigel
University of Exeter. Number theory. List of publications, list of research students, and links.