english deutsch
Lagarias, Jeffrey C.
University of Michigan. Computational Complexity Theory, Cryptography, Diophantine Approximation, Discrete and Computational Geometry, Dynamical Systems, Harmonic Analysis; Mathematical Physics, Optimization, Number Theory. Publications, courses.
Lapid, Erez
Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Automorphic forms, representation theory, trace formula.
Lauder, Alan
University of Oxford. Algorithmic number theory, with an emphasis on problems related to multivariate polynomials over finite fields.
Leibman, Alexander
Ohio State University. Combinatorial number theory. Preprints.
Lemmermeyer, Franz
Bilkent University. Algebraic number theory, elliptic curves. Papers, lecture notes, texts.
Lemurell, Stefan
Chalmers University of Technology / Goteborg University. Automorphic forms. Publications, tables of Maass forms.
Li Daxing
Shandong University. The Goldbach conjecture; Cryptography and computer science
Li, Charles
University of California, Los Angeles. Trace formulae. Publications, resources.
Lim Chong Hai
National University of Singapore. Algebraic number theory.
Lindenstrauss, Elon
Ergodic theory, dynamical systems, and their applications to number theory. Publications.
Ling San
National University of Singapore. Applications of number theory to cryptography, coding theory and combinatorial designs.
Liu Jianya
Shandong University. Additive number theory; Automorphic forms; L-functions.
Logan, Adam
University of Liverpool. Algebraic number theory and elliptic curves; the Brauer-Manin obstruction to rational points on surfaces; Iwasawa theory.
Long, Ling
Iowa State University. Modular forms for non-congruence subgroups; Modularity of elliptic and K3 surfaces; Arithmetic of Calabi-Yau varieties and applications.
Lozano, Alvaro
Colby College. Algebraic number theory: Class numbers and Elliptic curves. Publications, articles, elliptic curve tables and Pari code.