english deutsch
Raghuram, A.
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. Langlands Program: Representation theory of p-adic groups; Automorphic representations and their associated L-functions. Papers and thesis.
Ramakrishnan, B.
Harish-Chandra Research Institute. Number theory and automorphic forms.
Rebolledo, Marusia
Université P. et M. Curie, Jussieu. Elliptic curves and modular curves. Publications, thesis.
Ren Xiumin
Shandong University. Additive problems; Exponential sums over prime variables.
Richert, Hans-Egon
Obituary from Universitaet Ulm.
Rio, Anna
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Galois representations, elliptic curves, modular forms.
Robertson, Leanne
Smith College. Algebraic number theory; Class groups and class numbers; Power integral bases; Cyclotomic fields. Publications.
Robinson, Margaret M.
Mount Holyoke. Igusa local zeta functions.
Rohrlich, David
Boston University. Number theory. Preprints, errata.
Rose, Harvey
University of Bristol. Problems concerning small classes of recursive functions; Number theory of elliptic curves. Publications, teaching material.
Rouse, Jeremy
University of Wisconsin-Madison. Number theory, with particular interest in elliptic curves and modular forms; Combinatorics. Publications.
Rubinstein, Michael
University of Waterloo. Experimental number theory. Publications, software for L-functions, tables of modular polynomials.
Rudnick, Zeev
Tel-Aviv University. Number theory; quantum chaos.