english deutsch
de Weger, Benne
Eindhoven University of Technology. Diophantine problems, ABC conjecture.
Wagner, Marcus
Technische Universität Berlin. Algebraic number theory.
Wagstaff, Samuel S. Jr
Purdue University. Cryptography, parallel computation, and analysis of algorithms, especially number theoretic algorithms. Publications, updates on the Cunningham project, software.
Wakabayashi, Isao
Seikei University, Tokyo. Diophantine equations and transcendence problems for values of analytic functions.
Waldschmidt, Michel
Paris VI (Université Pierre et Marie Curie). Diophantine approximation and transcendence.
Walling, Lynne
University of Colorado at Boulder. Number theory.
Walsh, Gary
University of Ottawa. Publications and links.
Wamelen, Paul van
Louisiana State University. Genus 2 curves, class number formulae, Jacobi sums, Stark's conjectures, computational projects.
Wan, Daqing
University of California Irvine. Number theory and arithmetic geometry.
Wang Wei
Shandong University. Distribution of primes; the Riemann zeta function and Dirichlet L-functions.
Wang, Tzu-Yueh Julie
Academica Sinica. Diophantine problems and Nevanlinna theory.
Ward, Thomas
University of East Anglia. Dynamical properties of commuting maps and algebraic dynamical systems, dynamical realization of integer sequences and other connections between number theory and dynamical systems.
Washington, Lawrence C.
University of Maryland. Number theory, cyclotomic fields, elliptic curves, cryptology.
Weingartner, Andreas
Southern Utah University. Contact information.
Weintraub, Sol
Queen's College, New York. Number theory, statistics and probability.
Weiss, Alfred
University of Alberta. Group representations and number theory.
Weissman, Martin H.
University of California, Berkeley. Galois representations.
Weng, Annegret
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz. Arithmetic of elliptic curves. Publications. English/German.
Weston, Tom
University of Massachusetts. Arithmetic geometry, special values of L-functions, Iwasawa theory, deformation theory of Galois representations. Papers and expository articles.
Wewers, Stefan
University of Bonn, Germany. Arithmetic geometry. Publications and preprints.
Williams, Hugh
University of Calgary. Computational number theory, cryptography and the design and development of special-purpose hardware devices.
Williams, Kenneth S.
Carleton University. Algebraic, analytic and computational number theory; binary quadratic forms and the arithmetic of fields of small degree.
Wilson, Stephen M. J.
University of Durham. Galois module structure; Knot modules; Virasoro characters and ray class groups.
Wingberg, Kay
Universität Heidelberg. Algebraic number theory, Iwasawa theory; arithmetic geometry; structure of profinite (or pro-p) groups. Publications.
Wittmann, Christian
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. Algebraic Number Theory with a focus on explicit and computational methods. Publications, tables of cyclic cubic fields.
Wolf, Marek
Uniwersytet Wroclawski. Theoretical physics; distribution of primes.
Wolff, Alison
University of Adelaide. Contact information.
Wong, Siman
University of Massachusetts. Automorphic forms and Galois representations.
Woodcock, Chris
University of Kent at Canterbury. Commutative algebra, algebraic geometry and algebraic number theory; p-adic analogues of classical functions and their applications in number theory.
Wool, Assaf
Compugen. Groups, fundamental domains, Hecke operators, number fields. Software for modular curves and Shimura curves.
Wooley, Trevor
University of Michigan. Analytic number theory: the Hardy-Littlewood circle method.
Wright, David
Oklahoma State University. Algebraic number theory and algebraic groups, with methods from functional analysis and analytic number theory.
Wu, Hsin-Tai (Eric)
Automorphic forms, representations, Hilbert modular forms of half integral weight, p-adic interpolation. Software, thesis (PDF).