english deutsch
Yamamoto, Yoshihiko
Osaka University. Class groups, Construction of class fields, Fundamental units, Elliptic curves, Abelian varieties, Jacobians, Automorphic forms, Zeta functions.
Yang, Jae-Hyun
Inha University. Automorphic forms, representation theory of Lie groups, invariant theory, moduli of abelian varieties, vector bundles, mirror symmetry.
Yang, Tonghai
SUNY at Stony Brook. Number theory, representation theory, and arithmetic geometry: especially L-functions, Eisenstein series, theta series, Shimura varieties, intersection theory, and elliptic curves.
Ye, Yangbo
University of Iowa. Automorphic forms, Group representations, Automorphic L-functions, Relative trace formulae, Exponential sums, Distribution of primes.
Yildirim, Yalcin
Bogaziçi University. Small gaps between consecutive primes.
Yoshitomi, Kentaro
Kyoto University. Computational number theory. Elliptic curve and Jacobian arithmetic classes for LiDIA.
Young, Matthew P.
American Institute of Mathematics. Arithmetic of elliptic curves. Publications.
Young, Paul Thomas
College of Charleston. Sequences, L-functions.
Yu, Chia-Fu
Columbia University. Shimura varieties; Dieudonne modules and p-divisible groups.
Yu, Jing
Academia Sinica, Taiwan. Number theory, Arithmetical algebraic geometry. Arithmetic of function fields, transcendence theory. Symbolic computation.
Yu, Kunrui
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Transcendental number theory, diophantine approximation.
Yui, Noriko
Queen's University at Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Arithmetic algebraic geometry.
Yukie, Akihiko
Tohoku University. Geometric invariant theory, Zeta functions for prehomogeneous vector spaces, Applications to the Oppenheim conjecture.