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AMS Author Packages
AMS-TeX and AMS-LaTeX packages for AMS journals: Bulletin; Conformal Geometry and Dynamics; Electronic Research Announcements; Journal; Mathematics of Computation; Proceedings; Representation Theory; Transactions
ASL Typesetting Office
TeX files in the style used by the publications of the Association for Symbolic Logic, including The Journal of Symbolic Logic, The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic and the Lecture Notes in Logic. Document class, bibtex style and documentation (PS).
Central European Science Journals Style Files and
The files may help in writing articles with the CESJ layout.
LNCS/LNAI: Information for Authors
LaTeX2e macro package for Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science and in Artificial Intelligence.
SIAM Tex Resources
SIAM provides macro packages for TeX, LaTeX, and AMS-TeX. Packages are available for SIAM's journals, books, and conference publications. Using SIAM macros helps ensure that author-typset publications conform to SIAM style standards.
Springer Journals TeX and LaTeX Packages
Includes packages for Acta Informatica, Archive for Mathematical Logic, Distributed Computing, Inventiones mathematicae, manuscripta mathematica, Mathematical Programming, Mathematische Annalen, Mathematische Zeitschrift, Numerische Mathematik, Probability Theory and Related Fields.