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Monty Hall
A New Approach to the Monty Hall Problem, Cheap Monty Hall, Let's Make a Deal Strikes Again, Marilyn is Tricked by a Game Show Host, Marilyn Vos Savant's Monty Hall Problem, Mathnet : The Car and the Goats, Monty Hall, Monty Hall : Explanations of Solution, Monty Hall Dilemma, The Infamous Monty Hall Problem
Tower of Hanoi
Online, Ask Dr. Math : Tower of Hanoi, Discovering the Mathematics Behind the Game, François Edouard Anatole Lucas, Patterns in the Towers of Hanoi Solution, Tower of Hanoi, Towers of Hanoi in C++, Towers of Hanoi in sendmail.cf
The Knight's Tour Links Page
The goal is to travel with a knight around the chess board, landing on each square only once. Features web links of solutions to the game, including a solution" by Dan Thomasson.
U of T Mathematics Network
Includes interactive games, problems and puzzles including the Monty Hall Problem and the Tower of Hanoi and questions pages with answers and discussion.