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10th International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers
Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA; 24--28 June 2002.
Amof:Info on Fibonacci Sequences
Information on Fibonacci Sequences.
Animation of Binet's formula for Reals
Interesting Applets showing Binet's formula for Fibonacci numbers extended for Reals.
Biography of Leonardo Fibonacci
A short biography of the mathematician Fibonacci as part of a longer Text called "The Art of Algebra".
Extensions of the golden section and Fibonacci ser
Describes an extended Fibonacci series in which each number is the sum of the preceding three or more numbers. A corresponding extended golden section is also described.
Fibonacci and Lucas Factorizations
Tables of known factorizations of the first 10,000 Fibonacci and Lucas numbers.
Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers
Electrical equivalence of discrete lumped cascaded T sections with the infinitesimal transmission line of distributed elements and with the Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers of 2n.
Fibonacci Facts
Facts about the Fibonacci Sequence.
Fibonacci Number-Theorists
Biographies, photographs.
Fibonacci Numbers
A directory of material related to the Fibonacci numbers.
Fibonacci Numbers
Explains Fibonacci Numbers and provides a program to calculate the numbers.
Fibonacci Numbers
Describes the series and lists a some iterations.
Fibonacci Numbers
Describes the mathematic theory behind the numbers.
Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section
Fibonacci numbers and the golden section in nature, art, geometry, architecture, music, geometry and even for calculating pi! Puzzles and investigations.
Fibonacci Numbers Formulae
Presented by Rajesh Ram.
Fibonacci Numbers Spelled Out
Derivations usually omitted by gurus and left for the reader to agonize over.
Fibonacci Numbers with 666 Decimal Digits
Using program VPCalc and code file FastFib.VPC. There are 5 of them, F(3184) thro' F(3188).
Fibonacci Numbers, Phi and the Golden Ratio
Mathematical calculations; explanations of Phi, the Golden Ratio and Golden Rectangles; examples from art, architecture, music and nature.
Fibonacci Numbers, the Golden Section and the Gold
A site about fibonacci numbers in nature, art, geometry, architecture and music.
Fibonacci Quarterly
The official publication of the Fibonacci Association tries to serve as a focal point for interest in Fibonacci numbers and related questions, especially with respect to new results, research proposals, challenging problems, and innovative proofs of old ideas.
Fibonacci resources
Includes details of systematic matrix derivation of identities for Fibonacci and related sequences.
Fibonacci Sequence
Overview article in the Platonic Realms website.
Mongoven, Casey
Official site of California-born artist who specializes in Fibonacci and golden proportion compositions. Includes music, art, writings on Fibonacci Numbers, favorite sequences, pictures, contact information, and links. In English and German.
Flash animation describing the series and the Golden Section
The Fibonacci Association
Focuses on Fibonacci numbers and related mathematics, emphasizing new results, research proposals, challenging problems, and new proofs of old ideas.
The Fibonacci Series
An illustrated article about their applications and history.
The Golden Section
A description of the Golden Section and its importance in architecture. Includes instruction on how to construct a Golden Section starting with a square.
The Life and Numbers of Fibonacci
An article in PASS mathematics magazine.
Willem's Fibonacci site
Provides information about fibonacci numbers, description, formulas and relation to other mathematical issues.