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2nd IMS-ISBA Joint Meeting, Bayesian Research Conference, Bayesian Statistics and its Applications (IWBCSA), BISP4, Future Meetings of the ISBA, Scientific Applications of Bayesian Analysis, Valencia International Meetings on Bayesian Statis
German BUGS User Group, Software for Flexible Bayesian Modelling by Radfor
Bayesian Abstract Archive
An archive of abstracts of research papers on Bayesian statistics. Sponsored by ISBA and SBSS.
Bayesian Analysis Archive
Part of the ArXiv e-print repository.
Bayesian Blind Source Separation
An online paper on solving the cocktail party with Bayesian statistics. Includes general introduction to the problem and links to related works.
Bayesian Inference for the Physical Sciences
An annotated index for information on Bayesian inference for the physical sciences.
Bayesian Model Averaging
Information regarding model averaging using Bayesian techniques. Software and papers available.
Biography of Reverend Thomas Bayes (1702-1761)
Part of the University of St. Andrews History of Mathematics archive.
Computational Technology for Bayesian Inference
Explains the benefits and method of integrating the sample distribution of a parameter space.
Decision Analysis Society
Promotes the development and use of logical methods for the improvement of decision-making.
Duke University Institute of Statistics and Decisi
The institute has a strong focus on Bayesian statistics.
International Society for Bayesian Analysis
Promotes the development and application of Bayesian statistical theory and methods useful in the solution of theoretical and applied problems in science, industry and government.
Measurement Decision Theory
Includes rules, examples, and information about adaptive testing and sequential decisions. Main ideas are presented using a binary classification (pass/fail) test and a sample three-item test.
Non-subjective Bayesian Statistical Methodology
A website and mailing list on non-subjective priors (e.g. non-informative, conventional and reference priors).
Probability Theory As Extended Logic
A monumental online book by the late E. T. Jaynes on Bayesian inference. Also has a number of related articles by other authors.
The Bayesian Songbook
A collection of often humorous songs with bayes-related lyrics sang to popular tunes on the last nights of the Valencia meetings on Bayesian statistics. Lyrics in LaTeX and postscript formats. Wav files of some songs available.