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Annual Meetings of the Statistical Society of Cana, ASA Calendar of Events, ASA Meetings, IMS (Institute of Mathematical Statistics) Calend, ISI Calendar of events., Recent and Forthcoming Conferences in Statistics, RSS Diary, Statistics Canada - Workshops and Conferences, StatLib List of Meetings
Past Conferences
13th European Young Statisticians Meeting, 16th Annual New England Statistics Symposium (NESS, 16th International Workshop on Statistical Modelli, 2001 ISI, 2001 NBER/NSF Time Series Seminar, 2002 Taipei International Statistical Symposium, 24th European Meeting of Statisticians, 26th CIRET Conference, 6BS/IMSC, 8th International Meeting on Statistical Climatolo
CIRET Conferences, Deming Conference on Applied Statistics, Hawaii International Conference on Statistics, Leeds Annual Statistics Research Workshops, Séminaire Européen de Statistique (SemStat)
Adaptive Designs for Clinical Development
Novel approaches to lower development costs and reduce time to market. Boston, MA, USA; 24--25 January 2005.
25th European Meeting of Statisticians. Oslo, Norway; Summer 2005.
International Conference on Teaching Statistics: "Working Cooperatively in Statistics Education". Salvador, Bahia, Brazil; 2--9 July 2006.
IMS-ISBA Joint Meeting
The second joint meeting of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and International Society for Bayesian Analysis: Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and related methods and applications. Bormio, Italy; 12--14 January 2005.
Joint Meeting CSPS/IMS
A joint meeting of the Chinese Society of Probability and Statistics and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics on topics in statistics and probability. Beijing, China; 9--12 July 2005.
Fourth International Research Forum on Statistical Reasoning, Thinking and Literacy. Auckland, New Zealand; 2--7 July 2005.