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Algebraic Topology
Algebraic K-theory, Groups and Categories, Algebraic K-Theory, Linear Algebraic Groups and Re, Algebraic Topology, Algebraic Topology, Algebraic Topology and Concurrency, Algebraic Topology by Solomon Lefschetz, Algebraic Topology Discussion List, Algebraic Topology Textbook, Algorithms for the Fixed Point Property, Allen Hatcher's Homepage
Calendars, Past Events, Series, Groups, Homotopy and Configuration Spaces, SumTopo 2005, The Arithmetic of Structured Ring Spectra
General Topology
A History of Topology, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Algebraic General Topology and Math Synthesis, Applied General Topology, Fixed Point Theory on the Web, Mathematical Atlas: General Topology, Mathematics Arxiv Front - GN General Topology, Moscow State University, Open Questions in Topology, Oxford Analytic Topology Research Group
Geometric Topology
3-Manifolds, Crystallographic Topology, Geometric Topology, Manifolds and Cell Complexes, The Optiverse and Other Sphere Eversions, xxx Math Front: GT Geometric Topology
Algebraic and Geometric Topology, Cahiers de Topologie et Geometrie Differentielle C, Geometry and Topology, Homology, Homotopy and Applications, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, K-theory, Topology and its Applications, Topology Proceedings
Knot Theory
Research Oriented, A Circular History of Knot Theory, A Knot Theory Primer, A Third Year Lecture Course on Knots, BraidLink, Cook's Borromean Ring Links, Geometry and the Imagination, Harmonic Knots, History of Knot Theory, Kauffman, Louis H, Knot Plot
Open Problems
Kirby's Problem List in Low-Dimensional Topol, Open Problems in Topology, Questions in Topology, The Boise Problem Book, Thrackle.org
Bar-Natan, Dror, Christensen, Dan, Ferry, Steve, Gordon, Cameron McA., Hatcher, Allen, Kapovich, Michael, Kirby, Rob, Lickorish, W. B. Raymond, Mandell, Michael A., McCammond, Jon
Research Groups
(Belgium) K.U. Leuven, Kortrijk Campus, (Hungary) Alfréd Rényi Mathematical Institute, Bud, (UK) University of Aberdeen, (UK) University of Edinburgh, (UK) University of Glasgow, (UK) University of Liverpool, (UK) University of Manchester, (UK) University of Oxford, (UK) University of Wales, Bangor, (UK) University of Wales, Bangor
Additions to SnapPea, CompuTop Software Archive, Geomview, Liverpool University Knot Theory Group Programs an, MING, OPTi, Simplicial Homology, SNAP, SnapPea, SnapPea PC
A Layman Looks into the Closed 3-manifold
The page describes Poincare conjecture in simple language.
Algebraic Topology Discussion List
The primary functions of this list are: providing abstracts of papers posted to the Hopf archive, providing information about topology conferences, and serving as a forum for topics related to algebraic topology. The site also serves as an archive of links to websites related to algebraic topology.
British Topology Home Page
A source of pointers to Topology-related sites, including archives and conference announcements.
Links to Low-dimensional Topology
Topics: General, Conferences, Pages of Links, Knot Theory, 3-manifolds, Journals.
MAA Basic Library List in Topology
MAA recommended books in General, Geometric, Algebraic and Differential Topology.
Mazes and Mathematics
History and mathematical analysis of labyrinths.
Planar Machines - an Invitation to Topology.
Java applets exploring configuration spaces.
The Cantor Set
Article in the Platonic Realms, describing the Cantor discontinuum, a favorite example of topology. Includes examples and illustrations.
Topics in Mathematics - Topology
In the Mathematics Archives at University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Topological Methods in Group Theory
Table of contents only, but draft chapters can be downloaded by arrangement.
Topology Atlas
Preprints, abstracts, calendar, links, other resources.
Topology Glossary
Definitions of over 100 terms in topology.
Topology of Manifolds: Supersymmetry and QFT
This is the web resource page for a course taught by John Morgan in Fall 1997 at Columbia University.
The Transpennine Topology Triangle is a topology seminar partially supported by the London Mathematical Society with vertices at Leicester, Manchester and Sheffield.
What is Topology?
An introductory essay by Neil Strickland, University of Sheffield.