english deutsch
Advanced Research Systems
Advanced Research Systems supplies open and closed cycle cryostats, sample holders and accessories for x-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, magnetics, electron spin resonance and other areas of low temperature research.
Bruker AXS
Manufacturer of single-crystal diffraction, powder diffraction and X-ray spectrometry equipment.
Hecus Graz X-Ray Systems
Specializes in small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS/SWAXS) instrumentation for the expanding demands in all fields of nanostructure analysis.
Oxford Diffraction
Producers of X-ray diffraction equipment including Xcalibur single crystal diffractometer, Sapphire CCD detector, Helijet open flow helium cooler, KM4 and KM6 synchrotron diffractometers.
Physique & Industrie: Stress Measurement
The SET-X equipment measures the strain in the crystal lattice using x-ray diffraction, from which the residual stress is then calculated. It is designed to make in-situ measurement.
Supplier of equipment for X-ray spectrometry, diffraction, and optics, as well as small molecule and protein crystallography.