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University Manuals
Auburn University Department of Physics Demonstrat, Boston University Physics Demo Room, Brown Physics Lecture Demonstrations, California State University-Pomona Lecture Demonst, Case Western Reserve University's Physics Dem, Clemson University Physics Lecture Demonstrations, Columbia University Physics Lecture Demonstrations, Delft University Demonstration Database, Georgia Tech School of Physics Demonstration Facil, Index of Physics Demonstrations at Idaho State Uni
1999 AAPT Apparatus Competition Entries and Winner
See who entered what and who won in the annual contest.
Demonstrations of Various Physical Principles
Video clips demonstrating various principles of dynamics, mechanisms, vibration and sound, mechatronics and measurement systems, pool and billiards, solid mechanics, and other fields of physics and engineering.
Electrostatic Machines
Construction details and history of the classic electrostatic generators. Very detailed and descriptive site, with pictures and directions for a wide variety of generators.
Henry Greenside's Duke Physics Challenges
Physics-related word-problem puzzles.
HowStuffWorks: How Hydraulic Cranes Work
Animations and photos show how these cranes are able to lift thousands of pounds using hydraulics, and how these machines are operated.
Industrial Electrostatics Demonstrations
The project described at this web page was undertaken to develop a set of demonstrations having clear relevance to manufacturing and commercial operations. Some of these demonstrations should also serve to augment the science teacher's or hobbyist's bag of tricks by making it easier to reinforce the relationship between basic principles and practical situations.
Jearl Walker Discusses the Flying Circus
Reflects on successes and failures doing the 'bed of nails' trick, and tells how to get videotapes of some of his shows.
NC State Physics Demonstrations Collection
Comprehensive set of physics demonstration sites.
Patterns in Nature
Entry page for the Patterns in Nature course at Arizona State University. This course integrates topics from light, optics, microscopy, and physics. Many assigned activities are simple experiments.
Physics Animations
Animated experiments and visualizations on physics with theoretical explanations. There is also a physics forum, free samples and educational programs for download.
Physics Demonstration Lab
School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel aviv University. Demonstrations available at the school, and related links.
Physics Demonstration Resources On-Line for Scienc
For physics educators interested in developing demonstrations. Provides links to many colleges' demo resources.
Physics Demonstrations - Introduction
Physics demonstrations, descriptions, discussions of the physics, and hazards to avoid. Groupings are light, magnetism, electricity, sound, heat, and motion.
Physics Demonstrations and Science Exhibits
Part of Bill Beaty's amateur scientist pages. Includes many links to his and other demonstration sources.
Physics Demos and Science Exhibit Designs
Links to useful demo sites, descriptions of dangerous and not-so-dangerous electrical demonstrations, and some unusual scientific projects.
Physics Lecture Demonstrations, a Compilation
Lecture demonstrations for physics courses, compiled and annotated by Dr. Donald Simanek. Reads like a storybook.
PIRA 200 Demo List
A collection of 200 physics demos believed by professionals to be essential in teaching about the most common physics phenomena. Demos are sorted by topic and illustrated.
PIRA 200, the Top 200 Most Popular Physics Demonst
Contains a descriptive list of the 200 most common and most used physics demonstrations, as determined by a large committee of physics instructors and lab managers.
PIRA Physics Demonstration Bibliography
This demonstration bibliography contains about 7500 entries including all of Sutton, Freier & Anderson, Meiners, Hilton, AJP, The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations, the Minnesota Demonstration Handbook, a few articles from the Physics Teacher, and listings of the PIRA 200, PIRA 500, and PIRA 1000 demonstrations.
Arizona State University physics and astronomy demonstrations.
Pre-College Demonstration Book List
Annotated list of books for physics and physical science demonstrations as well as science fair projects.
Static Generator, Electrical Demonstration
How to make and use a frictional static electricity generator which makes HUGE sparks. Also, links to other electricity demos on the internet.
Tarzan Swing
Tarzan (a water balloon) is swinging on a thread which is cut by a hot wire mid-flight; students must project Tarzan safely through a hole surrounded by pins.
The Physics Question of the Week
From the University of Maryland Department of Physics. Each week a new question will be posted and the answer for the previous Question of the Week will be shown. The questions involve real experimental physics, so part of the answers will be photographs and short videos of the experiments carried out in determining the results.
TOPS Science
TOPS Learning Systems, a nonprofit educational publisher, dedicated to making inexpensive, creative, hands-on science and math available everywhere.
U.C. Berkeley Physics Lecture Demonstrations
Grouped by physics topic. Images and movies are available in some cases.
University of Oregon Physics Demonstration Catalog
A large collection of online demonstrations that illustrate a variety of physical concepts.
Video Analysis Investigations for Physics and Math
Contains short video clips that may be used in teaching and learning physics concepts using any one of several video analysis software programs. The video clips linked to this page are also useful in algebra, trigonometry, and calculus studies by providing "real world" examples of many common mathematical relationships.