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Final Report on the National Maglev Initiative, Magnetic Levitation for Transportation, Perspective on Maglev Transit and Intro of the PR, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Is Maglev in our future?, Post-Gazette: Specter Pledges to Push Maglev Proje, The Washington Times: $2 Million to Move ODU Magle
Aerodynamic Design of Maglev Vehicles
Engineering and design of vehicles focused on aerodynamic aspects based on concurrent engineering, multidisciplinatory design optimization and the research of Joseph P. Schetz. Includes photographs.
American Maglev
A consortium of American companies building the first maglev transit system in the United States.
Atlanta Chattanooga Maglev
Group to build a maglev train system between Atlanta, Georgia, and Chattanooga, Tennessee. Includes benefits, technology information, and proposed locations.
Baltimore-Washington Maglev Project
All about the project including definitions, background, newsletter.
Boeing: MagLev
Description of the magnetic levitation upgrade to the Holloman High Speed Test Track at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico.
California Maglev Alliance
Provides information, news and descriptions of maglev in California.
Howstuffworks: How Maglev Train Works
Explanation of how maglev train levitates and moves
Passive maglev technology developed by a Livermore team.
Introduction to Maglev
A introductory Q&A on maglev technology, including several relevant links.
Maglev 2000 Florida
Promotes maglev system for transportation in Florida and provides overview of how this technology works.
Maglev Deployment Program
Information about Federal Railroad Administration's program to select maglev line in the United States.
Maglev Monorail
Promotion of the adaptation of monorail technologies for maglev
Maglev Research at Japanese Railway Technical Rese
Overview of the research at the Japanese Railway Technical Research Institute
Magplane Technology, Inc.
Intracity transportation concept using individual passive vehicles, levitated above a magway trough of semi-circular cross section.
Munich, Bavaria Maglev Project
Details about Germany's first commercial maglev project. Includes maps and pictures.
ODU's Maglev Train
The $14 million project is a partnership involving Old Dominion University, American Maglev, Dominion Virginia Power, Lockheed Martin and other companies.
The Pennsylvania Project - High Speed Maglev
Provides information on the Pennsylvania maglev transportation project
A German project based on the Maglev approach. It uses electromagnetic levitation for its contact-free support, guidance, propulsion and braking systems. The site provides photos, data, and historical overview.
Web Quest Exploring Magnetic Levitation Technology
Teacher's resources on teaching maglev, including tasks and evaluations for students
Wikipedia: Magletic Levitation
Overview of the technologies behind maglev
World Maglev Systems
Maglev system using permanent magnets