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Past Conferences
14th May 2004: International Symposium Coastal Hyd, Complex Flows, Fluid Mechanics, Granular and Particle-Laden Flows, Mathematical Hydrodynamics: Models and Methods, Moving Boundaries 2003, Multiphase Flow 2003, Non-Uniqueness of Solutions to the Navier-Stokes , Workshop on Applications of Particle Image Veloci
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power 2004
31st National Conference on Fluid Mechanics And Fluid Power. Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India; 16--18 December 2004.
IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Fluid Mechanics. Udine, Italy; 20--22 January 2005.
Industrial CFD -ASME Symposium
Annual symposium on industrial applications of CFD technology.
Mixing and its Applications
A series of LMS-sponsored meetings on 'Scalar Mixing in Fluid Flows and Mappings'. Imperial College London, UK.
PIVNET II Workshop 2005
The international workshop will present the state of the art of µPIV, LIF, flow visualization and related techniques at micron scale. 7 - 8 April 2005, Delft, Netherlands
The Navier-Stokes Equations and their Applications
RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan; 9--13 January 2006.