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Alvarez, Luis
A Science Odyssey - People and Discoveries, Luis Alvarez' Discovery of the Iridium Anomal, The Nobel Prize in Physics 1968
Bohr, Niels
Publications, Cold War International History Project Electronic , Eric Weisstein's World of Scientific Biograph, ESVA: Bohr Mini-Exhibit, Lucidcafé: Niels Bohr, MSN Learning & Research Plus: Bohr, Niels Henr, NBI History, Niels Bohr Archive, PBS: A Science Odyssey: People and Discoveries: Ni, Royal Danish Embassy, The MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive
Einstein, Albert
Albert Einstein, Albert Einstein, Albert Einstein - A Science Odyssey, Albert Einstein and the Atomic Bomb, Albert Einstein Archives, Albert Einstein Archives, Albert Einstein Biography, Albert Einstein Home Page, Albert Einstein Online, Albert Einstein Reference Archive
Faraday, Michael
Michael Faraday
Hooke, Robert
Hooke, Robert, Robert Hooke, Robert Hooke, Robert Hooke, Robert Hooke, Robert Hooke, Robert Hooke - The Inspirational Father of Modern , Robert Hooke Day, Seeing Further, The Legacy of Robert Hooke
Newton, Isaac
BBC Online: Sir Isaac Newton, Isaac Newton, Isaac Newton, Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727), Observations of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. J, Sir Isaac Newton, Sir Isaac Newton Resource Page
Tesla, Nikola
Astrocartography of Tesla, Nikola Tesla Museum - Belgrade, Nikola Tesla: Forgotten American Scientist, Nikola Tesla: Inventor, Engineer, Scientist, Pure Genius, Rich's Nikola Tesla Tribute, Tesla Memorial Society of New York, Tesla Wardenclyfe Project, Tesla's Books and Patents, Tesla: Master of Lightning
Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov
Very famous Russian physicist and mathematician of the twentieth century.
Contributions of 20th Century Women to Physics
Electronic archive containing over 75 brief scientific and biographic citations of original and important contributions 20th century women have made to physics.
Cornelius Lanczos Collection
Site announces the availability of the Cornelius Lanczos Collected Published Papers with commentaries. Lanczos (1893-1974) was one of the twentieth century's most versatile and innovative physicists and mathematicians. His papers cover an array of disciplines including general relativity, quantum mechanics, scientific computation, applied mathematics and numerical analysis.
Green, George
Includes biography and list of papers.
Hoff Lu, Father of Nuclear Energy in China
Book and documentary on the life story of a native scientist in China. If you want to know the history of nuclear physics in China, you must read this book.
Important Physicists
Interrelationship between some selected physicists and between the physicists and their institutions. The period covered is roughly from the middle of the nineteenth century to the middle of the twentieth century.
Lawrence and His Laboratory
Scientific history of the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's first 50 years (1931-1981).
Lawrence and the Cyclotron
Biography of Ernest Orland Lawrence, from the AIP Center for History of Physics which describes Lawrence's development of the cyclotron.
Lectures on Aristotle, Galileo, Newton, and Einste
Full lecture notes from an introductory course taught at U of Virginia.
Ludwig Boltzmann
An overview of the life and work of Ludwig Boltzmann
Nobel Prize Internet Archive
The Nobel Prize Internet Archive contains up-to-date information of all current and former Nobel Prize laureates. Not affiliated with the official Nobel site.
Physicists on Stamps
Scanned images of stamps from around the world. Donated scans are welcome.
Pictures of Physicists
Pictures and drawings of famous physicists, a comprehensive collection.
Winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics
A comprehensive list of Nobel Prize Laureates in physics, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive.