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Cryogenic Dark Matter Search; searching for WIMPs with large germanium crystal cooled to 20 mK.
Chandra X-Ray Observatory: Dark Matter Mystery
A brief popular science type introduction to the subject.
Cryogenic Rare Event Search with Superconducting Thermometers; a search for dark matter in the Gran Sasso laboratories.
Experiment searching for dark matter with low activity scintillators in the Gran Sasso laboratories.
Dark Energy and the Microwave Background
Theory and measurements of sizes of fluctuations of cosmic microwave background agree with omega=1 giving a strong evidence for dark matter.
Dark Mass and the Quest for the Æther
A brief discussion on the semantics of mass, matter and weight.
Dark Matter (by Martin White)
Comprehensive description with links to detailed summaries, including plots, graphs and schematics.
Dark Matter Annihilation at the Galactic Center
Physics News Update.
Dark Matter as the Fundamental Particle of the Uni
An individual interpretation on the structure of the Universe.
Dark Matter, Cosmology, and Large-Scale Structure
A detailed discussion of the various pieces of gravitational evidence for the existence of dark matter, the different forms it might take, and their impact on cosmological theories.
Dark Matter, Cosmology, and Large-Scale Structure
A dark matter tutorial.
Discussion about Dark Matter
An informative radio transcript of two scientists talking about dark matter.
Is Dark Matter Theory or Fact?
From Scientific American: Ask the Experts: Physics.
LSST Observatory
Large-aperture Synoptic Survey Telescope ('Dark Matter Telescope'): proposed 8.4 m, 7 square-degree field telescope.
Mirror Matter
The concept of mirror matter is explained. Mirror matter could form a sizable fraction of the inferred dark matter.
Primer on Dark Matter
Very concise illustrated overview with links to relevant topics and sub-topics.
Searches for Dark Matter
A lecture.
The Dark Side of the Universe
Workshop in Aspen, June 19 - July 9, 2000.
The Early History of Dark Matter
The history of the discovery of dark matter in the Universe is reviewed. Emphasis on early work by Zwicky (1933), Smith (1936), Babcock (1939) and Oort (1940).
The Picasso Project; A Dark Matter Search Experime
The PICASSO project: A Dark Matter Search Experiment based on a Superheated Droplet Detector.
UK Dark Matter Collaboration
UK search for Galactic WIMP dark matter.
What is Dark Matter?
From the Usenet Physics FAQ.
White Dwarfs Shed Light on Dark Matter
Report (March 23/01) of astronomical evidence suggesting white dwarf stars are a potential source for dark matter. Findings also contribute to stellar evolution theory.