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Anaphe - Libraries and Tools for HEP and Nuclear P, CERNLIB, GEANT, HBOOK, Keyword Search, MINUIT, Monte Carlo, PAW, Short Writeups, Writeups
AcerMC Monte Carlo Generator
The AcerMC Monte-Carlo event generator is dedicated for generation of the Standard Model background processes in pp collisions at the LHC.
CERN Computing Documentation
Provides CERNLIB documentation. Also provides tutorials, FAQs, newsletters and reference cards for a wide range of software.
cfortran.h - Interfacing C/C++ and FORTRAN
cfortran.h is a single header file that allows you to easily use fortran code in c and c++. Very useful for using HBOOK and other CERNLIB code in new c++ applications.
Elementary Particles Simulation
Elementary Particles Simulation using Java Technology.An application made for educational purposes.
The Fermilab Software Tools Program (Fermitools) aims to provide useful tools to the community. A wide range of tools are available, and all are free.
Mathematica package for generation and visualization of Feynman diagrams and amplitudes.
Mathematica package for algebraic calculations in elementary particle physics, focusing on Feynman diagram calculations.
Free C++ library for drawing Feynman diagrams. The output is in PostScript, which can be used in TeX or printed directly.
Drawing Feynman diagrams with LaTeX and Metafont.
FLUKA (Fluktuierende Kaskade)
A stand-alone particle physics Monte-Carlo simulation package. It is being used as a simulation tool in a number of experiments.
Software and information about software which is useful in high energy physics and related fields.
Linux resources for high energy physics, includes low traffic mailing list.
A Monte Carlo package for simulating hadron emission reactions with interfering gluons. Also contains a list of some "competitor" generators.
A Java program for the interactive drawing of Feynman diagrams
Monte Carlo Number Scheme
MC particle numbering convention, endorsed by the Particle Data Group.
A physics event generator for linear collider studies. It includes beamstrahlung, initial state radiation, hadronization, and full treatment of polarization effects.
Phi (Phenomenology of Hadronic Interactions)
Extension of the Mathematica packages, FeynCalc and FeynArts.
Persint OpenGL Visualization for ATLAS Muon Analysis. Software used to visualize the reconstruction of muon traces.
An event generator for a large number of physics processes. The site contains the latest source, the official manual and a short write-up describing PYTHIA's status with respect to the physics.
Software and Tools
List at HEPIC.
Provides a common output format for Monte Carlo events so that event generators and other simulators can easily be compared. It also provides a set of routines which convert Herwig, Jetset, Isajet, or QQ events to and from the standard HEP event format.
Texsis - TeX Macros for Physicists
This package provides a number of useful features for typesetting research papers. It is an extension to Plain Tex.
The CalcHEP and CompHEP Projects
Two Tools designed to calculate cross sections in high energy physics.
The ROOT System
An object oriented framework for large scale data analysis. ROOT is a C++ replacement of the popular PAW program developed at CERN.