english deutsch
Chiral Perturbation Theory
Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory in Lorentz Form, Chiral Dynamics in Nucleons and Nuclei, Chiral Perturbation Theory, Effective Field Theories, Generalized Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theor, The Off-shell Electromagnetic Form Factors of Pion
An Introduction to Heavy Quark Effective Field The
Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET) is a new approach to QCD problems involving a heavy quark.
Aspect of Quantum Chromodynamics
Lectures providing an overview of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the SU(3) gauge theory of the strong interactions.
CDF: Testing QCD
An assortment of papers and talks regarding the progress of testing QCD theory (quantum chromodynamics) using FermiLab.
Color Force
A brief overview of Quantum Chromodynamics and the Color force
Foundations of Quantum Chromodynamics
A set of postscript lecture notes on the foundations of Quantum Chromodynamics.
Heavy Quark Effective Fields
A Postscript file overview of the theory of Heavy Quark Effective fields
Introduction to Lattice QCD
These notes aim to provide a pedagogical introduction to Lattice QCD.[Postscript]
ITEP School of Particle Theory
A collection of lectures on Quantum Chromodynamics given at a conference
Large N QCD
A Postscript file containing a series of lectures on large N quantum chromodynamics
Physics on a 4D Scaffold
A brief description of how to construct lattice quantum chromodynamics.
Quantum Chromodynamics
An online textbook outlining the theory describing the interaction of quarks and the color force.
Quantum Chromodynamics
These lectures provide an overview of Quantum Chromodynamics , the SU(3) gauge theory of the strong interactions.
Quantum Chromodynamics and Particle Structure
An EU/TMR network of universities working together to advance the understanding of particle structure using QCD.