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An Introduction to Simplicial Gravity
Contains introductory material on quantum mechanics and relativity and outlines one method of combining the two theories.
An Ode to Effective Lagrangian
A brief introduction is given to the methods of effective lagrangians. The emphasis is on a summary of the overall picture, using a simple model of quantum gravity.
Astronomy Today - Quantum Gravity
Astronomy Today - Article on Gamma Ray bursts which may reveal Quantum Gravity.
Canonical Quantum Gravity
This is a summary of a talk delivered at the workshop "Quantum gravity in the Southern Cone II".
Classical and Quantum Gravity
A journal for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime. Abstracts, full text editorials, and freely available featured articles.
Cosmological applications of loop quantum gravity
After a brief introduction to classical and quantum gravity we discuss applications of loop quantum gravity in the cosmological realm. This includes the basic formalism and recent results of loop quantum cosmology.
Discrete Approaches to Quantum Gravity
The construction of a consistent theory of quantum gravity is a problem in theoretical physics that has so far defied all attempts at resolution. Reviewed here are three major areas of research: gauge-theoretic approaches; quantum Regge calculus; and the method of dynamical triangulations.
Galactic Gravitation Calculator
Demonstrates how new quantum gravity theory explains orbits in spiral galaxies without Dark Matter.
Gravitational Theory
Views on The Directional Gravity Theory.
Gravity as an Effective Field Theory
This is a pedagogical introduction to the treatment of general relativity as a quantum effective field theory.
Gravity Drive Engine Theory
A Unified Field Theory with an emphasis on gravity drive engines.
How far are we from the quantum theory of gravity?
An assessment is offered of the progress that the major approaches to quantum gravity have made towards the goal of constructing a complete and satisfactory theory. The emphasis is on loop quantum gravity and string theory, although other approaches are discussed.
How gravity works at microscopic scales
Discusses in simple terms the problem of constructing a quantum theory of gravity.
Introduction to Scalar Gravity
This book is an introduction to Scalar Gravity, a relativistic theory of gravity modelled with scalar fields.
Knots and Quantum Gravity
The book "Knots and Quantum Gravity" is the proceedings of a conference held at U.C. Riverside on May 14-16th, 1993. It is now available for free in Postscript format.
Loop Quantum Gravity
A general overview of ideas, results and open problems of loop quantum gravity.
Loop quantum gravity induced modifications to part
The construction of effective Hamiltonians arising from Loop Quantum Gravity and incorporating Planck scale corrections to the dynamics of photons and spin 1/2 particles is summarized.
Matters of Gravity
An online journal with articles on advances in the theories of gravity.
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
Institute established to pursue research in gravitational physics, especially general relativity and quantum gravity.
Numerical Quantum Gravity
An overview of work being done in the field of quantum gravity.
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
International focal point of cutting-edge research in foundational theoretical physics.
Physics News Update - Quantum Gravitational States
Quantum gravitational states have been observed for the first time. An experiment with ultracold neutrons.
PhysicsWeb - Neutrons reveal quantum effects of gr
PhysicsWeb, A resource for physicists, PhysicsWorld, Institute of Physics, Electronic Publishing, online products and services.
An simple overview of current theories of quantum gravity.
Quantum Gravity
A brief explanation of the search for a quantum theory of gravity, including links to sites on topological field theories.
Quantum Gravity
A site maintained by Cambridge University on advances in quantum theories of gravity.
Quantum Gravity and M-Theory
A review of modern approaches to quantum gravity.
Quantum Gravity Treatment of the Angel Density Pro
"How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" A discussion on a theological question since the Middle Ages.
Quantum Relativity Theory of Everything
Preliminary look at a new approach to Relativity, Cosmology and the Quantum nature of the universe.
Sir Isaac Newton - The Universal Law of Gravitatio
Sir Isaac Newton's theroy on gravitational attraction.
Spin Foam Models
A review of the spin foam formulation of quantum gravity.
Strings, Loops and Others
This postscript file contains a review of the present theoretical attempts to understand the quantum properties of spacetime.
Summary Report of the D2 Workshop
A review of material presented at 1998 conference on quantum cosmology.
Throwing Einstein for a Loop
A scientific american article which gives a summary of loop quantum gravity.