english deutsch
Hawking, Stephen
Reason: Leaping the Abyss, Stephen Hawking, Stephen Hawking, The Big Bang, and God, Stephen Hawking: A Life in Science
Aleksandr Friedmann
A biography with reference to contemporaries, and a list of references.
Georg Riemann
Although he died before the development of general relativity, his work in non-Euclidean geometries is very important to studying a curved spacetime.
Georgio Ricci-Curbastro
The mathematician who developed much of tensor calculus before Einstein found a use for it.
Hendrik Lorentz
Brief biography.
Hermann Minkowski
A brief biography with quotations and a bibliography.
Hermann Weyl
One of the first people to combine general relativity with the laws of electromagnetism
Karl Schwarzschild
A brief biography with reference to contemporary mathematicians and theories.
Karl Schwarzschild
The man who solved Einstein's equations and predicted the existence of black holes
Luigi Bianchi
A mathematician who developed many theorems regarding Riemannian geometry
Marcel Grossmann
A brief biography on Marcel Grossmann, a classmate of Einstein who was the first to find a connection between tensor calculus and the theory of relativity.
Willem DeSitter
Mathematician who studied solution to general relativity and developed DeSitter space