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BACKLIGHT is a photorealistic relativistic visualisation system. Developed at the Australian National University by undergraduate student Antony Searle , it produces images and videos demonstrating the optical effects of special relativity.
Numerical Relativity Exhibitions
WWW exhibits based on the NCSA Relativity Group's work and on General Relativity.
OpenGL Relativistic Spacetime Project
A real time relativity simulator for Windows, Linux and OS/2, using OpenGL.
Relativistic Flight Simulation
A collection of links to various programs which simulate the effects of relativity
Relativistic Ray Traced Images
Features visualization of relativistic deformation effects of a spaceship like object.
Relativistic Starflight
The program xrel depicts, as realistically as possible, the appearance of stars as seen from a starship moving at speeds close to the speed of light.
The Cactus Code
A modular manageable high-performance 3D tool for Numerical Relativity.
Virtual Relativity
A project to create a computer program that simulates relativistic motion. Free Download for Windows 9.x , Silicon Graphics, and soon Linux.
Warp Special Relativity Simulator
A windows program to show you the weird effects of special relativity.