english deutsch
Cosmic Strings
A review by M.B. Hindmarsh and T.W.B. Kibble of the physics which predicts the properties of cosmic strings and topological defects.
Cosmic Strings and other Defects
A series of articles on topological defects in the universe
Formation, Interaction and Observation of Topologi
A survey of defect distributions in first-order phase transitions, by Tanmay Vachaspati.
Topological Defects
A site with links to papers and workshops on topological defects in cosmology
Topological Defects
This is an introductory set of lecture notes on topological defects, given to an audience with interests ranging from astronomy to particle physics.
Topological Defects and Cosmology
A review of the effects of defects in cosmology, by Robert H. Brandenberger.
Topological Defects in Cosmology
A review by Ajit M. Srivastava of various topological defects in particle theoryu models of the early universe (in PDF format).