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Free Access Online Archives, Interoperability Standards
A Positron Named Priscilla: Scientific Discovery a, AccessScience, Appraisal Science Books for Young People, Book News, Danny Yee's Book Reviews, Dr. Fred's Place, EurekAlert!, FizzBang Science, Hall Sciences, Jupiter Scientific Book Review
Free Online Journals, Academic Open Internet Journal, Advances in Complex Systems, African Journals Online, Annals of Improbable Research, Berkeley Graduate Science Journal, Berkeley Scientific Journal, Bulletin of the New Jersey Academy of Science, Caltech Undergraduate Research Journal, Central European Science Journals, Chinese Science Bulletin
Magazines and E-zines
American Scientist, Annual Reviews, Australasian Science, Berkeley Lab Science Beat, Berkeley Science Review, Centro UNISAL, Chemical and Engineering News, Cite des Sciences: Science Actualites, Discover Magazine, E.G.S. - The Eggs
Estium-concept:, Holiday Lectures on Science, Humani Corporis Fabrica (HCF) 3D Anatomical Atlas, The Naked Scientists Online, The Vega Science Trust
A.J. Morris Science Review
Reviews of published articles, books, and web sources for all fields of science.
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts
Providing print and electronic research databases of citations and full text in the sciences. Site includes title list of databases, journals by subject, login scripts for webmasters, subscriber and guest demonstration access to CSA databases, and other product information.
Council of Science Editors (CSE)
The Council of Science Editors (CSE) aims to improve communication in the sciences by educating authors, editors, and publishers.
E-print Network
An integrated network of electronic scientific and technical information. Included are pre-publication drafts of journal articles (preprints), scholarly papers, technical communications, or similar documents relaying research results among peer groups.
European Association of Science Editors (EASE)
An international organization providing science writers and editors with resources, links, newsletter, mailing lists, and networking.
European Secretariat for Scientific Publications
SEPS operates as a link between universities, publishing houses and authors with the aim of promoting translation of scientific works in the various European languages to achieve a wide distribution of scientific culture around Europe.
Iasi Politechnic Magazine
Features book and soft reviews covering a variety of topics, such as mathematics, biochemistry, food science, polymers and mechanical engineering.
Online database containing indexed abstracts for the published literature in physics, electrical engineering, electronics, communications, control engineering, computers and computing, and information technology. Also, offers CD-rom version.
Founded as the Institute for Scientific Information. Maintains a large collection of bibliographic and indexing data for scientific literature and measures the impact and influence of published research. Most content requires an institutional subscription.
Multidisciplinary database of academic publications providing the ability to search for publications, identities and institutions.
Open Archives Initiative
Develops and promotes interoperability standards that aim to facilitate the efficient dissemination of e-prints and other electronic content, primarily in the sciences.
Scholars' Forum
A New Model For Scholarly Communication - Caltech proposal for university-author-society run e-journal system for publishing science. With follow-up discussion. HTML/PDF.
Springer LINK
Information about scientific books and journals of the Springer publishing group, CD-ROM publications, software products, and catalogues, and online access (by subscription) to some contents.
The Scientific World
Features SciBase, a fee-based database of 30 million articles published since 1965 in more than 30,000 journals. Also news, conferences, recent publications, and reference.
Virtual Technical Reports Center
A list of institutions providing full text or searchable extended abstracts of their technical reports.
WSEAS E-Library
WSEAS conference papers from 1999 onwards. Index, abstracts free, payment required for full text (PDF).