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Annapolis Valley Skeptic
A skeptic's site, aimed primarily at religious issues.
Australian Skeptics Home Page
The Australian Skeptics Inc. is a group that investigates the paranormal and pseudo-science from a responsible scientific viewpoint.
Skeptical discussions of unexplained phenomena and human belief.
British Columbia Society for Skeptical Enquiry
For people curious about paranormal and fringe scientific claims. Includes organization information and a newsletter.
The Italian Committee for the Investigation of Claims on the Paranormal, promoting a scientific and critical enquiry of supposed paranormal and mysterious phenomena.
Gary P. Posner, M.D.
Founder of the Tampa Bay Skeptics.
International Network of Skeptical Organizations
Contact information for local and regional groups.
National Capital Area Skeptics
Washington DC area skeptic organization with on-line library.
New Zealand Skeptics
Dedicated to increasing public awareness of the dangers and inanities of pseudoscience and bogus paranormal claims.
North Texas Skeptics
An organization devoted to promoting the use of science and rational thinking in viewing the world. Features events, newsletter, cartoons, and articles.
Norwegian Skeptics
Critical evaluation of paranormal phenomena, UFOs, and fire-walkers.
Ontario Skeptics Society for Critical Inquiry
Canada's largest English-language skeptical organization. Newsletter, articles, announcements of activities, online forums, contact information for local groups, and other resources.
Penn State University Skeptics Club
Examining paranormal oddities from a realistic perspective.
Rocky Mountain Skeptics
Nonprofit educational and investigative organization, founded to promote critical thinking.
Society for Sensible Explanations
An organization that promotes science, critical thinking and sensible explantions for alleged paranormal events. It meets in Seattle, Washington, USA.
Tampa Bay Skeptics
A nonprofit scientific and educational organization that critically examines paranormal and fringe-science claims and publishes a quarterly newsletter.
The New England Skeptical Society
U.S. regional organization dedicated to the promotion of science and reason, particularly the investigation of paranormal and pseudoscientific claims.
The Sacramento Organization for Rational Thinking
Dedicated to the promotion of rational thinking in all areas of life. Features events, newsletter, and bibliography.
Triad Area Skeptics Club
North Carolina group dedicated to the critical evaluation of claims of the paranormal. Located in the Piedmont Triad of North Carolina. Articles, events listing, and discounted books section.
Set up to provide a balance to the uncritical promotion and acceptance of extraordinary and controversial claims in the UK today. Its purpose is also to demonstrate what skepticism really is and to dispel common misconceptions.