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Ape Sign Language
An Internet Chat with Koko the Gorilla, Are Nonhuman Species Capable of Language Acquisiti, Chimpanzee Communication & Language-related Ar, Koko the Gorilla, Language in Apes: How Much Do They Know and How Mu, Language in Child and Chimp?, Language Research Center, Non-Human Primates and Language, Primate Language, Primate Research Institute: Section of Language an
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
A Critique, Chandler, Daniel, Language, Thought and the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, New Surprising Evidence, Observations on the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, The LINGUIST List: The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, What Is the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
Concepts and Resources
A site maintained by a faculty member at Emory University, with definitions of selected terms in the field and a list of available resources.
Early American Anthropological Linguistics
Essay written by Kenneth Pike for the journal American Anthropologist. Contains reminiscences of many leading figures of this field in the early 20th century, such as Edward Sapir.
Language Exploration
Basic concepts, definition of "ethnolinguistics." From Maricopa Community College.
Linguistic and Semiotic Anthropology at the Univer
Subdivision of the Department of Anthropology. Offers a description of the field, events,and links to resources.
Linguistic Anthropology at the University of Michi
Doctoral research program focusing on combining social theory with the analysis of linguistic form. Field description, faculty list, admissions information.
Michicagoan 2000: Histories and Ideologies of Lin
Second annual meeting of graduate students from the University of Chicago and the University of Michigan. Schedule, abstracts.
Philadelphia Papers on Linguistic Anthropology
Assembled papers on this topic from the 1998 meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Various document formats.
Phonetics and Ethnolinguistics in Groningen
Dutch university research program focusing on the phonetic effects of cultural contact. Recent projects, publications.
Publications of Daniel Moonhawk Alford
Assorted publications and postings by this Piute thinker. Covers many aspects of the relationship of culture and language, including the legacy of Whorf and the anthropology of consciousness.
Society for Linguistic Anthropology
A special section of the American Anthropological Association. Organizational information and list of contents of the Journal of Linguistic Anthropology.
Topics in Anthropological Linguistics
Concise treatments of various areas of concern in this field, including contact languages and the Whorf hypothesis.